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Don't know what kind of device you are asking about, but odds are it's a scam. Things you can do to reduce bills are:

1) use less electricity. Switch to low energy bulbs, check the temp settings on your fridge/freezer. If you've got an electric range, get meats up to room temperature before cooking, soak vegetables to reduce cooking times, look for ways to cook more items in the same pot. only run the washing machine when it's full. Let washed clothes hang dry instead of tumbling. limit your use of your A/C. When not using tv, computer or whatever turn off/unplug instead of leaving in stand by. Check your house for leaks draughts and poor insulation.

2) some electric companies offer different rates during different times of the day, with rates being lower at evenings and nights. Some money can be saved by running appliances during these times.

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