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like an ionic charge? i think your refereing to hydrogen bonds formed between two water molecules. this occurs when the oxogen (6 electrons) and 2 hydrogens (1 electron) are covelantly bonded. when they bond, it is polar (a polar covalent bond) which means that electrons are unequally distributed (oxogen give an extra electron to each of the hydrogen) leaving the water molecule charge oppositely at each end. oxogen = - charge/ hydrogen = + charge. so the molecules work as a magnet, making weak bonds between each other.

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1w ago

When an ionic compound dissolves in water, the water molecules surround the ions and separate them from each other due to the polarity of water molecules. This process disrupts the ionic bonds within the compound, releasing the ions into the solution. The ions are then free to move around in the water due to their charge.

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Ions are formed by dissociation in water.

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Q: How an ionic compound forms free ions in water?
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What type of compound ionic or covalent will conduct electricity and dissolve in water?

Ionic compounds will conduct electricity and dissolve in water due to the presence of free ions that can move and carry a current. Covalent compounds do not typically conduct electricity in water as they do not dissociate into ions.

What order does Chlorine have?

Chlorine has an oxidation state of -1 when it forms an ionic compound with metals. It has an oxidation state of +1, +3, +5, or +7 when combined with nonmetals or as a free element.

Why is a melted ionic compound a good conductor of electric current but the a solid ionic compound is a poor conductor of electric current?

In a melted ionic compound, the ions are free to move and carry electric charge, allowing the compound to conduct electricity. In a solid ionic compound, the ions are fixed in position and cannot move freely, so they are unable to carry electric charge and conduct electricity effectively.

Why do ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water because the ions within the compound become free to move and carry electric charge. These ions can move and carry electric current through the water, allowing it to conduct electricity.

Why do ionics compounds dissolved in water conduct an electric current?

Ionic compounds dissociate into ions when dissolved in water, allowing for the movement of charged particles and the flow of current. The ions carry electric charge and are free to move in the solution, facilitating the conduction of electricity.

Related questions

When ionic substances are dissolved in water do they conduct electricity?

Yes. Dissolving an ionic compound gives you ions in the water which are free to move in an electric field.

Is an ionic compound become a gas when dissolved in water?

No, they behave in a similar way. When an ionic compound (like NaCl) dissolves, its atoms separate and become free particles within the solution.

Why do ionic compound conduct electricity we'll when they are dissolved in water?

Because, the ions are free to move about, and the solution conducts current.

What type of compound ionic or covalent will conduct electricity and dissolve in water?

Ionic compounds will conduct electricity and dissolve in water due to the presence of free ions that can move and carry a current. Covalent compounds do not typically conduct electricity in water as they do not dissociate into ions.

What order does Chlorine have?

Chlorine has an oxidation state of -1 when it forms an ionic compound with metals. It has an oxidation state of +1, +3, +5, or +7 when combined with nonmetals or as a free element.

Why is a melted ionic compound a good conductor of electric current but the a solid ionic compound is a poor conductor of electric current?

In a melted ionic compound, the ions are free to move and carry electric charge, allowing the compound to conduct electricity. In a solid ionic compound, the ions are fixed in position and cannot move freely, so they are unable to carry electric charge and conduct electricity effectively.

Why do ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water?

Ionic compounds conduct electricity when dissolved in water because the ions within the compound become free to move and carry electric charge. These ions can move and carry electric current through the water, allowing it to conduct electricity.

Why is a melted ionic compound is a good conductor of electric current but a solid ionic compound is a poor conductor of electric current?

Upon melting, the ions are free to move and conduct electricity.

Why do ionics compounds dissolved in water conduct an electric current?

Ionic compounds dissociate into ions when dissolved in water, allowing for the movement of charged particles and the flow of current. The ions carry electric charge and are free to move in the solution, facilitating the conduction of electricity.

Why can ionic compounds in solution conduct electric current?

Ionic compounds in solution can conduct electric current because the ions are free to move and carry electric charge. When an ionic compound dissolves in water, it dissociates into its constituent ions, which are then able to move and carry the electric current.

How does dissolving an ionic compound in water increase electrical conductivity?

When an ionic compound dissolves in water, its ions dissociate and become free to move. These charged ions can conduct electricity by carrying electric current through the solution. The higher the concentration of dissolved ions, the greater the conductivity of the solution.

Does ionic bonds have high or low resistance?

Ionic bonds do not conduct electricity in their pure form, so they have high resistance. However, when an ionic compound is dissolved in water or melted, its ions are free to move and conduct electricity, giving it low resistance.