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Q: How and if carbon dioxide is stored in the leaf?
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Related questions

What takes in sunlight and carbon dioxide?

A leaf takes in sunlight and carbon dioxide.

What does a leaf give out?

It consumes carbon dioxide and lets off oxygen.

How does carbon dioxide get into the leaf?

through the pores in the stomata of the leaf

Where does carbon dioxide enter in a leaf via holes?

the leaf!

What is carbon dioxide naturally absorbed and stored in?

Carbon dioxide is naturally absorbed (through photosynthesis) and stored in trees and vegetation. It is also absorbed and stored in the oceans.

What gases enter the leaf?

carbon dioxide im doing a project now

How does carbon enter a leaf?

the leaf has super little holes. The holes breathe in the carbon dioxide.

Oceans are a reservoir for carbon stored as?

Dissolved Carbon dioxide

How do plants obsorb carbon dioxide?

by the leaf

Why carbon dioxide enters the leaf?

it has no choice but to

What features of a leaf provides carbon dioxide?

None. Leaves "breathe" in Carbon Dioxide, and put out Oxygen.

Is carbon stored in the biosphere in the oceans as dissolved carbon dioxide?

Yes, it is.