

How and why do atoms form bonds?

Updated: 5/31/2024
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11y ago

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Atoms form bonds in order to become stable, which usually means achieving an octet (8) of valence electrons, except for hydrogen which is stable with two valence electrons. Chemical bonds can be covalent or ionic. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons. An ionic bond forms when an atom gains one or more electrons and becomes a negatively charged ion, while another atom loses one or more electrons and becomes a positively charged ion. The electrostatic attraction between the oppositely charged ions forms an ionic bond.

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7h ago

Atoms form bonds through sharing or transferring electrons with other atoms in order to achieve a stable electronic configuration, usually a full valence shell. This allows atoms to decrease their energy and become more stable. Different types of bonds, such as ionic, covalent, and metallic bonds, form depending on the electronegativity and valence electron configuration of the atoms involved.

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Covalent bonds are formed when atoms share electrons

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Yes, when atoms form chemical bonds with other atoms, they combine to create molecules or compounds. These chemical bonds are formed through the sharing or transfer of electrons between atoms, resulting in a stable arrangement of electrons.

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Ions, charged atoms

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Ionic bonds.

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Carbons almost always form covalent bonds.

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To get stability.

Do fluorine atoms form bonds?

Yes, fluorine atoms can form bonds by sharing electrons with other atoms, such as hydrogen, carbon, and oxygen, through covalent bonding. Fluorine is a highly reactive element due to its strong electronegativity, making it eager to bond with other atoms to achieve a full outer shell of electrons.