

How are CSS files created for and used by website pages?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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14y ago

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How to
You can use CSS as an external file imported into a HTML file or CSS can be embedded into the HEAD section of a HTML page.

Creating/Editing a CSS file

You can create a CSS file by saving a .txt file as a .css file type. The easiest way though to edit CSS is by searching the web to find a Text Editor, an editor is usually free to download and will allow a user to manipulate CSS and HTML files and to save them.

Importing CSS into a HTML file

To import a CSS file into a HTML file a STYLE declaration must be made inside the HEAD tags of the document and a link to the CSS file is placed within the STYLE tags, see example below.

Linking CSS into a HTML file
To link a CSS file into a a HTML file, a LINK tag must be used and placed within the HEAD tags.

Embedding CSS into a HTML file
To embed CSS styles into a HTML file a STYLE tag must be used to contain the CSS, see example below.

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