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They are both dwarf planets first of all, another thing is that their orbit paths are not cleared.

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Q: How are Eris and Pluto similar?
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How far is Eris from Pluto?

Eris is about 28.5 AUs from Pluto

Is Pluto larger that Eris?

Yes. Pluto is slightly larger than Eris.

How is the surface of Eris?

The surface is made up of Methane ice similar to that of Pluto

Does Eris orbit next to Pluto?

No. Eris orbits father out than Pluto does.

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Is Eris a moon of Pluto?

No, Eris is a dwarf planet, and is larger than Pluto and farther from the Sun.

Eris is smaller than Pluto?

Yes, but only slightly. Eris has a greater mass than Pluto because it is denser.

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How is Eris different than Pluto?

Eris orbits farther out than Pluto, is slightly smaller, and is about 25% denser.

Is Eris behind Pluto?

Most of the time 136199 Eris if further away from the Sun than 134340 Pluto.

What is the name of the dwarf planets in the solar system?

Their are more than 3 dwarf planets. Some of the famous ones are Pluto and Ceres.the three dwarf planets are Ceres Pluto and ErisThe three dwarf palnets are Pluto, Eris, and CeresPluto, Eris, and Ceres

Is Eris cold like Pluto?

Yes, Eris orbits even farther from the sun than Pluto does, and so is probably even colder than Pluto.