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Both Okonkwo and Julius Caesar are strong alpha males, driven to be leaders of their society. However, both end up having tragic downfalls. Okonkwo, because of his arrogance, hubris and disregard of others, ends up having his ideals and plan of action ultimately rejected by the society because his society is unwilling to follow the path that he treads, ie one of violent responsive action. Julius Caesar, also due to arrogance, and disregard of others, ends up being assassinated as the leaders of his society wished to cling to power and not be ruled by Caesar.

Both stubbornly clinged to their ideals, without any notion of compromise, and as a result, faced reprisal.

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12y ago
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11y ago

well first of all, they are both considered two of the greatest military geniuses of all time. they changed the courses of life forever. they both fought wars, even when they are outnumbered. it is very interesting how they have done it, but they did it.

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13y ago

They are both proud men, leaders, noble, and trusting.

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14y ago

yes, they are both alike in the fact the they both like power, they both the Rome, and they will do anything to get or stay in power

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