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Brutus orders Cassius to stap him in the heart but Cassius refuses.

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Q: How does the argument between Brutus and Cassius end?
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What are the plans Cassius make at the end of scene 2 in lines 312 - 326?

Cassius appeals to his and Brutus's friendship.

What happens to move the conspiracy plot forward at the end of scene 3?

Cassius forges several letters from commoners and states inside them how Caesar is not a good ruler and how Brutus is the one that should be in power. Cassius then gives his letter to Cinna to deliver to Brutus in hopes of persuading Brutus to take action against Caesar.

What battle did Octavian an Mark Anthony win together?

Octavian and Antony won the battle of Philippi together. That was the battle that put an end to Brutus and Cassius.

What happens at the end of act 1 scene 3 of julius caesar to move the conspiracy plot forward?

The conspiracy in Julius Caesar is moved forward in Scene 2 when Brutus is given fake letters. He then joins the conspiracy.

Why do brutus and Cassius kill themselves?

Brutus asks Strato to kill him so Brutus wouldn't have to die by the enemies sword *<edit> Because the last answer was rather strange I decided to help. Cassius killed himself once he thought his friend (Titinius or something like that) was kidnapped by the enemy. He asked Pindarus (or how ever you spell his name) to kill him. Brutus kills himself later (thanks to the help of Strato) cause he's sure they're are going to lose to Antony. That's how it works in the play Julius Caesar but for all I know the top answer could be true. I rarely look into things deep. 2nd edit brutus kills himself because he feels bad for killing Caesar for no good reason. Cassius kills himself b/c he thought titunius was kidnapped and dead. after all this, Antony, octavius and lepidus are in charge of rome

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What does brutus order Cassius to do at the end of act four?

he orders cassius to kill Portia

Where does brutus Cassius go at the end of the scene 2 of act 4?

To Brutus tent

What happened to Cassius and Brutus at the end of Act 3 Scene 2?

In Act 3, Scene 2 of Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar," both Cassius and Brutus leave the scene after their confrontation. The argument strains their friendship and sets in motion the events leading to Caesar's assassination.

What is the source of the conflict between Cassius and Brutus in Act IV scene iii of the tragedy of Julius Caesar?

The cause of conflict is that Cassius thinks that Brutus has wronged him by rebuking Lucius Pella, the fellow for whom Cassius had recommended through his letter and Brutus is miffed with Cassius because he was conveyed that Cassius had denied giving him money to pay his legions. They both seem to misconstrue the facts and end up lashing at each other.

What are the plans Cassius make at the end of scene 2 in lines 312 326?

Cassius appeals to his and Brutus's friendship.

What are the plans Cassius make at the end of scene 2 in lines 312 - 326?

Cassius appeals to his and Brutus's friendship.

How was the relationship between Brutus and Cassius changed since the beginning of the play?

In the Begining of the play they were fine with eachother, toward the end of the play thye end up fighting because cassius thought that brutus thought that he was wrong, so in the end they were not close any more they changed dramatically over the time of the play.

What do Cassius and Brutus do at the end of Act III Scene 2?

they died at the end of act3 scene2.

Why was Julius Caesar a tragedy?

The revolution is a failure and Brutus and Cassius end up killing themselves.

What happens to move the conspiracy plot forward at the end of scene 3?

Cassius forges several letters from commoners and states inside them how Caesar is not a good ruler and how Brutus is the one that should be in power. Cassius then gives his letter to Cinna to deliver to Brutus in hopes of persuading Brutus to take action against Caesar.

Why is Cassius's argument to kill Caesar good?

Cassius's argument to kill Caesar is based on the belief that Caesar's ambition poses a threat to the Roman Republic and its democratic principles. He argues that Caesar's rise to power will lead to tyranny and the loss of freedom for the people. By removing Caesar, Cassius believes they can preserve the republic and prevent a dictatorship.

What does Cassius conclude about brutus?

Caesar sees Cassius as a dangerous man. The reason why is because Caesar describes that men like Cassius are never comfortable while someone ranks up higher than them... That and he is skinny (this was discussed between only him and Antony, so you would have to read the play in order to understand it a bit, try Sparknotes)