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Text processing is the manipulation of text from one format to another. PHP is a scripting language that can be used to change the format of the text.

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1mo ago

Text processing is a common task in programming that involves manipulating text data. PHP is a popular programming language commonly used for web development that includes built-in functions and libraries for text processing tasks like string manipulation, parsing, and formatting. PHP provides powerful tools for working with text data, making it a suitable choice for handling text processing tasks in web applications.

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Q: How are Text processing and the term PHP related?
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Is php a binary file?

No, PHP is text file with .php extension.

What is a regular expression in PHP?

echo or print < both of which write text: <?php echo "TEXT"; print "TEXT"; ?>

What are the syntax and semantics of the include construct?

The PHP syntax and semantics are the format (syntax) and the related meanings (semantics) of the text and symbols in the PHP programming language. They form a set of rules that define how a PHP program can be written and interpreted. PHP is a procedural and object-oriented language (OOL) for coding webpage markup text to be transformed into HTML format on computerized devices. In later releases, PHP generates some code to be run by the Zend Engine, beyond using just HTML markup text. The syntax of PHP changed to include OOL keywords in versions PHP 3 and PHP 5.

What program can read php file?

PHP files are plain text, so you can read them with your text editor or IDE of choice.

How do you create a text editor in PHP?

Well it got nothing to do with PHP, you going to need JavaScript to do that :)

How do you separate word in array using php?

To separate a sentence into an array of words, you can use PHP's explode() function. If $text is your sentence, then use the following: $result = explode(" ", $text);

Can you open php file in your PC?

Since a PHP file basically is a text file, yes. But beware - opening and running a PHP file are not the same. If you want to run a PHP file, you will need a webserver with PHP module enabled.

What is the purpose of php?

PHP is a dynamic language meant to do server-side processing where plain HTML/client-side JavaScript isn't enough.

What is the PHP programming language?

PHP is a server-side scripting language mainly for processing a user's data-input and generating dynamic content.

In PHP the only way to output text is with echo.?


What does the term include php refer to?

It is a term used in PHP programming language. The "include" statement means inclusion or evaluation of a specified file. It is similar to another PHP keyword - "require".

How do you go from HTML form to php?

Build your form in HTML and specify your PHP file in the action of the document. HTML does the form stuff, PHP the processing (although you can - of course - use HTML inside PHP via print() or echo(), too)