

How are air conditioners helpful to people?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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it helps cool you down from the hot, warm air on the outside.

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Q: How are air conditioners helpful to people?
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What are the different types of home air conditioners that are available?

Different types of home air conditioners are: Central Air Conditioners Split System Air Conditioners Packaged Central air conditioners Portable air conditioners Ductless air conditioners and, Evaporation Coolers

How much does heating and air conditioners make?

Does heating for people in cold countries make, and air conditioners for people in warm countries make. Because do billions of people in the world live, can number of heating and air conditioners at least in hundreds of millions estimate.

Where was air conditioners invented?

When was Air Conditioners invented

Why did they invent air conditioners?

they invented them to cool people down.

Who inspects air conditioners for defects at the manufacturer?

Their QC people

What are the advantages of cabinet air conditioners?

Cabinet air conditioners produce clean air and don't allow outside air to enter inside them. All the air that flows through these air conditioners is filtered and compressed.

Are there any portable air conditioners that are energy star rated?

no there are no portable air conditioners.

Where can I find air conditioners?

Find the right air conditioners and heaters at the right prices from offer the best air conditioners ever sale on the united states of america.

Why do people in Florida need air conditioners?

People in Florida need air conditioners because at times it gets to hot in Florida and they need to cool down, but it's to hot outside to go in the pool, or they don't know how to swim.

Why do some people have the air conditioner on when it is cold outside?

Some people have allergies or other conditions which make it difficult for them to be healthy and comfortable unless they have help from something like an air conditioner or similar device. There are also some "air conditioners", like central air conditioners, that work as both air conditioners and heaters, so, perhaps, they are running it in "heat" mode. On the other hand, maybe they just like having the air conditioner on!

Why do people in Florida need air conditioners more than people in Arizona?

Florida has a higher humidity.

What is A person who can repair an air conditioner?

The people who specialize in air conditioners are called HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning) Technicians.