

How are animals used for product testing?

Updated: 2/24/2020
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15y ago

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im not sure but i think the numbers are getting lower

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Q: How are animals used for product testing?
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What animal is the most endangered in the US in 20th century for product testing?

Doesn't work like that. For animal testing, you need lots of animals. And endangered animals are by definition animals that you can't get lots of. So endangered animals aren't used in animals testing. Animals used in animal testing are species like rats, rabbits, dogs, some species of monkeys. All animals that can be easily bred in captivity. And not at all endangered as a specie.

generally in pyrogen testing animals are used?

Yes and No. Animals are used in pyrogen testing. Rabbits are generally used in pyrogen testing.

What animals are used in product testing?

animal testing is made to make sure a product is safe. these products may be makeup, shampoo, medicine, vaccines, and even transplants believe it or not. i was doing an article/ speech on animal testing and found out that at least around 15% of animals are used to test products.

What is the purpose of testing on animals?

The purpose is to ensure that products will not harm actual sentient beings before the product is used on one.

Are animals harmed while being tested on with makeup products?

Yes, some animals are harmed during testing for makeup. But it only depends on the product being used.

Approximently many animals are used in animal testing each year?

Approximately 12 .1 million animals are used a year for testing.

How does animal testing harm humans?

People could still have reactions to the product that was tested on animals!!! People could still have reactions to the product that was tested on animals!!!

What is the point of testing products on animals?

Ascertaining the safety of the product for human use and consumption.

Should animals be used for research or product testing?

No, they should not it is cruel and insensitive. I think that the people who think animalsshould be tested upon should take the animals place. If the animals are forced so should the people who force them.

Is Pears soap tested on animals?

No, this product is not tested on any animals. However, its parent company does do animal testing on its products.

How many animals die every year due to product testing?

60-100 million

What animals are used in expermental testing the most?
