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The difference between Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia is that Anerorexia Nervosa is the actually starvation that usually occurs with teenage girls when they pathological fear of becoming fat,distorted body image, excessive dieting, and emaciation, while on the other hand Bulimia is the say pathological fears but they become so hungry they frequently have episodes of grossly excessive food intake followed by purging to avert weight gain. Purging can include, self induced vomiting, overuse of laxatives or diuretics or obsessive exercising.

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15y ago
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12y ago

The difference is that bulimics binge (take in thousands and thousands of calories at one time) and then throw it all up. Most of the time they starve themselves in between binge episodes. Anorexics will starve themselves and sometimes throw up what little bit they do eat.

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15y ago

A bulimic is someone who eats large amounts of foods in one sitting (thousands of calories) then purges them in some way - over exercising, laxatives, edemas, self induced vomiting. An anorexic is someone who limits their caloric intake to a very low level, essentailly starving herself to death. BOTH are very dangerous and could kill the victim.

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13y ago

Anorexia is when you starve yourself, and refuse to eat at all. Usually anorexics also exercise until to the point of exhaustion. With bulimics, they eat regular meals, but throw them up after. They may also have "binges" where they eat tons and tons of calories, then throw them up, or use laxatives, exercise for hours, etc.

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12y ago

Anorexia is an eating disorder in which a person limits calorie intake and exercises compulsively to burn calories and lose weight.

Bulimia is an eating disorder in which a person binges (eats excessive amounts of food and drink in a relatively short amount of time) and then purges (forceful vomiting, laxative or diuretic abuse) to rid themselves of the food in order not to gain weight, which is usually unsuccessful.

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11y ago

Anorexia is an eating disorder where the person eats extremely small amounts of food- the person is starving themself.

Bulimia is an eating disorder where the person eats a lot of food (also known as "binging") and then tries to get rid of it fast (usually by forcing themselves to vomit or by taking drugs like laxatives).

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9y ago

Anorexia nervosa is a condition in which the person is primarily restrictive with their food intake. They are extremely restrictive with amounts and the types of food. Bulimia nervosa can involve some restriction, but is characterized primarily with eating excessive amounts in a period of time and then compensating for this behavior by purging. Purging can be through vomiting, use of laxatives and/or excessive exercise.

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12y ago

People who suffer from anorexia nervosa/mirabilis avoid food altogether, or they eat in very small amounts not sufficient enough to promote a healthy diet. It can cause weight loss, hair loss, skin discoloration, bad breath and psychological symptoms such as altered perception of the body.

People who suffer from Bulimia eat in rather enormous quantities and then induce vomiting to expel all of the food. After this they may not eat for days. This is known as 'binge eating.' It can cause weight loss, bad breath, esophageal varicies (Basically where your esophagus bleeds) and psychological symptoms. They almost become addicted to doing this, sometimes creating rituals in which to throw up.

The two conditions render some of the same symptoms of malnourishment and psychological disfigurement, however, the main pivotal difference is that people with anorexia just starve themselves while those with bulimia binge eat.

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That depends on the disorder. Some examples could be: -Anorexia Nervosa -Bulimia Nervosa -Binge Eating Disorder There are many other types too.

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That one is called anorexia nervosa. Bulimia involves the use of vomiting and/or laxatives to purge the food, though it is possible to be both anorexic and bulimic. Note that most bulimics appear to have normal weights, as they do not usually restrict the food to the extent that anorexics will.

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Usually bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa stem from a long build up of "not good enough" feelings. They're both linked to depression and self-hate, so in a sense, yes. Others may have a great influence on whether or not someone may turn to anorexia and bulimia for release. Some people just blame the media for anorexia in teenagers these days, but I believe with the struggles of a teenager in itself, the media is sort of just a trigger.

Is there a difference between Bulimia and Anorexia if so what and explain?

anorexia nervosa is when the person starves themselves because they feel that they are fat because of who they see in the mirror. they don't see themselves how others see them bulimia nervosa can have some of the same symptoms, but instead of starving themselves, they binge (eat large amounts of food at one time) then purge (force themselves to throw it up)

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There is no "true cause" of bulimia nervosa. However, there are many factors that can lead into the development of this disorder. Some of these factors are genetics, personality, social values, and stressful events such as death of a loved one.

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Anorexia is a illness which is like a eating disorder so if some thing to fatty you want eat it or you will and vomit it up

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Some of the most common types of mental disorder include: bipolar, depression, obsessive compulsion disorder, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, etc. Having a mental disorder does not necessarily mean that someone is classified as retarded.

What are some street names for anorexia?

i dont knoe if they're considered "street names" but some people call Anorexia "Ana" and also call Bulimia "Mia".

What percentage of teen girls have anorexia nervosa?

Many cases go unreported, but here are some statistics for teen girls with anorexia... * Anorexia is the 3rd most common chronic illness among teen girls. * 95% of cases happen between the ages of 12 and 25. * 80% of girls in that age range (see above) have or will try to lose weight.