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The arthropods are by far the most successful phylum of animals, both in diversity of distribution and in numbers of species and individuals. They have adapted successfully to life in water, on land and in the air.

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9y ago

Most of today's arthropods have a central nervous system containing a brain. This makes them more advanced than other, primitive phylums.

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12y ago

they can reproduce asexually which means they dont need a mate to reproduce. They just have babies when they want to. hah(:

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Q: How are arthropods more advanced than other phylum?
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What class does the arthropods belongs to?

They actually belong to the group called Mollusks.

What are the features of an insect?

1. Insects are arthropods, animals that lack backbones and have jointed legs and external skeletons, or exoskeletons. Arthropods include such diverse animals as roaches, millipedes, tarantulas, and lobsters. 2. Insects have three distinct body parts: a head, a thorax, and an abdomen; many other arthropods have either more or fewer body areas. 3. All insects have two antennae and six legs. Most other arthropods have eight or more legs. 4. Almost all insects have wings. No other group of arthropods can fly. Insects are truly amazing. Their tiny size, quick reproduction rate, and ability to fly enable insects to explore and exploit almost every environmental niche imaginable.

Why do more advanced fish have symmetrical tail fins?

Fish have a symmetrical tail, because they are a more advanced species. Sharks are less advanced because they are always moving!

How many body parts do spiders have?

From the phylum of arthropods is where the spiders belong, it has chelicerae with fangs that inject venom and has eight leg. This air-breathing arthropods has 10 types, and based on science studies, an average spider has 2,230,000 cells.

What are Three specialized parts of an arthropods?

Fact is, arthropods make up the largest animal group on earth.Crabs, scorpions, crayfish, dragonflies, arachnids, krill, shrimp are just a very few arthropods. Any animal with a segmented body and six or more legs is an arthropod.Arthropods are called the eumetazoa, which means that they develop germ layers and have vascular tissues and organs develop. Arthropods are triploblastic (form three germ layers, endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm). They have an exoskeleton which molts, contain compounds eyes, and jointed appendages. Phylum Arthropod contains classes such as Insecta, Arachnida, and Crustacea. Insecta would include bettles, butterflies, and grasshoppers. Arachnida would include Spiders, Scorpions, and Mites. Crustacea would include, Lobsters, Crabs, and Shrimp.

Related questions

Are whale lice arthropods?

Yes, whale lice belong to phylum Arthropoda - the arthropods. They are crustaceans, more like a kind of shrimp than the insect class to which most familiar lice would belong.

What is the phylum arthropods?

The phylum arthropoda is one of the phyla into which we divide invertebrates. It contains the insects, spiders and crustaceans amongst other things. They are animals with outer skeletons and jointed legs.

Why do arthropods make up the largest animal phylum?

Arthropods make up the largest animal phylum due to their incredible diversity and adaptation to various environments. They have a versatile exoskeleton, jointed appendages, and successful reproductive strategies that have allowed them to thrive in different ecosystems worldwide. Their ability to occupy different niches and their evolutionary success have contributed to their dominance in terms of species numbers.

What class does the arthropods belongs to?

They actually belong to the group called Mollusks.

Are there very few species of arthropods?

No, just the opposite, there are more arthropod species than any other phylum. Most of these are insects at over a million species defined (around half of which might be beetles), but biologists estimate millions more have yet to be described.

How many arthropods have been discovered?

Over 1,130,000 arthropod species have been described, making it the largest animal phylum. Estimates indicate many millions more have yet to be described.

Are most of earths animal species arthropods?

There are many more arthropods than other species but bacteria have the most species. Every new species of arthropods discovered have 10-12 new species of bacteria in them.

Is a lobster related to the spider?

yes, they are both arthropods. They do though belong to two different subphylla.The spiders are arachnids and the lobster is a crustacean

Are body lice Arachnids?

Yes, whale lice belong to phylum Arthropoda - the arthropods. They are crustaceans, more like a kind of shrimp than the insect class to which most familiar lice would belong.

Does arthropods make up the largest animal phylum?

Yes, with over a million known species an probably countless more undiscovered, arthropds outnumber all other animal phylums combined.

What are classes of phylum arthropoda?

The classes of phylum Arthropoda include Insecta (insects), Arachnida (spiders, scorpions, ticks, and mites), Crustacea (crabs, lobsters, shrimp, and barnacles), and Myriapoda (millipedes and centipedes). These classes are characterized by their jointed limbs, segmented bodies, and exoskeletons.

Are ladybugs insects or arachnid?

They're insects and..... Phylum: Arthropods. Interveberates with and exo-skeleton. Class: Insecta. Six legged . Commonly known as insects. Study called entomology. Order: Coleoptera. Beetles. Having the largest number of known species Family: Coccinellidae. That IS ladybug. They're more like beetles