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Q: How are asteroids destroyed?
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What happens to asteroids that make craters on the Moon?

The asteroids are destroyed on impact and their material becomes part of the Moon.

What how do asteroids die?

Well they do not die, they get destroyed when they hit earth......

Why can't asteroids be named planets?

They are abnormal and can be destroyed easily in space.

Why are you protected from asteroids by other planets in the solar system?

Because God won't allow Earth to be destroyed by Men nor everything else. The atmosphere burns the asteroids through friction as they enter it at high speed.

How many asteroids is there in space?

There is no way to determine an exact number for just in our Solar System, let alone all of space. The number keeps changing as they collide with each other either breaking off smaller asteroids or fusing together forming larger asteroids, or collide with planets or the sun and are destroyed. We can't see them around other stars, but there are inevitably some.

What do comets and asteroids not have in common?

Comets are Comets and Asteroids are Asteroids

How do you get across the bridge on dead space?

Are you talking about the bridge with the asteroids dashing at you so that you burst into pieces and die? If so, you get across by hiding behind the big boxes there everytime the asteroids storm down. When you're finished, you will see a door at the end. Go in and you will see a turret. Finish the mission in there, and after that, you no longer have to hide behind the boxes because you've destroyed all the asteroids aiming to kill you.

What method was used to find asteroids?

they would of found out about asteroids because when the dinosaurs were extinct a massive comet hit earth and it destroyed it and the reason planet earth was created again was because a large enough rock formed into a planet and if the rock is not large enough then it wont form into a planet

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How many asteroids crashed in Asia?

the asteroids crashed in Asia have 1000 asteroids

What is in an asteroids aptmosphere?

No asteroids have atmospheres.

Are asteroids luminous?

No. Asteroids are just made of rock and metal. They do not glow.