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covalent bonds join all the atoms tightly together

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Ebba Hoeger

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Q: How are atoms arranged in a network solid such as a diamond?
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What is an example of a network solid?

A crystalline solid held together by covalent bonds

Describe a network solid and give two examples?

A network solid is a material composed of atoms or molecules connected in a continuous network structure, creating a solid with high melting points and hardness. Examples include diamond, made of carbon atoms bonded in a tetrahedral network, and quartz, composed of silicon and oxygen atoms arranged in a three-dimensional network structure.

What substance is an example of a network solid?

Diamond is an example of a network solid. It consists of a three-dimensional network of carbon atoms covalently bonded to each other.

In a diamond what type of bonds link carbon atoms together to form a network solid?

covalent bonds

What is a type of solid in which all of the atoms are linked by covalent bonds?

A type of solid in which all of the atoms are linked by covalent bonds is called a covalent network solid. In these solids, each atom shares electrons with its neighboring atoms, forming a continuous network of covalent bonds throughout the structure. Examples include diamond and quartz.

Is a diamond an amorphous solid or a crystalline solid and why?

A diamond is a crystalline solid. It is made up of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, which gives it its hardness and clarity. This organized arrangement of atoms is characteristic of crystalline solids.

What structural units make up networks solids?

Nonmetal atom

Is diamond a molecule?

No, diamond is a covalent network solid.

Diamond is matter or non matter?

Diamond is a form of matter. It is composed of carbon atoms arranged in a specific crystal structure that gives it its characteristic hardness and brilliance.

What is more solid than minerals?

There are substances that can be more solid than minerals, such as diamond, which is composed of carbon atoms arranged in a very strong crystal structure. Diamond's carbon structure results in its exceptional hardness and durability compared to most minerals.

Why is diamond different from most metals?

Diamond is composed of carbon atoms arranged in a tetrahedral structure, making it a covalent network solid. Most metals, on the other hand, have metallic bonding where electrons are free to move throughout the material. This difference in bonding accounts for the distinct properties of diamond, such as its hardness and transparency, compared to most metals.

What is a solid material with atoms arranged in a repeating pattern?

A crystal is a solid. But it is a solid with a natural geometrically regular form that has plane faces that are arranged symmetrically.