

How are big cats related to house cats?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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They are related to house cats because they are both in the cat family and if you research it they do things regular house cats do.

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Q: How are big cats related to house cats?
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What is the difference between a house cat and a bobcat?

House cats are cats that are pets bobcats are a species of big cat that live in the wild they are closer related to the leopard and other big cats rather than the cats people have as pets

How is a house cat related to a big cat?

They really aren't directly related, as domestic cats and big cats are in different subfamily, but still fall under the family Felidae. Domestic cats are in the subfamily Felinae, whereas big cats (Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Jaguars) fall under the subfamily Pantherinae.

Are lions and house cats related?

They really aren't directly related, as domestic cats and big cats are in different subfamily, but still fall under the family Felidae. Domestic cats are in the subfamily Felinae, whereas big cats (Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Jaguars) fall under the subfamily Pantherinae.

What are cats related to?

cats are related to big cats like: tiger's, lions, pumas and leopards etc, elimac3

Do big cats and house cats have the same internal anatomy?

Yes they do, they just live inside of a house. But big cats are also just bigger than them.

Cats are divided into three main group's- small cats big cats and leopards in which group do your house cats belong?

Cats are aggressive when you get to close to their babies. 

Do house cats and big cats meow the same?

No, Because Big Cat Are Not The Same Of Little Cat

Why are small cats related to big cats?

They are all felines and have similar traits.

Do big cats nurse their cubs?

yes they do, just like house cats

Do big cats like catnip?

Big cats including tigers and lions like catnip just like domestic house cats.

Are tiger eyes like cats eyes?

because tigers are really big cats and are related to cats

All cat breeds and big cats are related?

yes there are all kinds of cats