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Birds are direct descendants of dinosaurs and are considered by many to be dinosaurs. Birds emerged in the later Jurassic period, branching of from a group of dinosaurs called theropods, two legged animals that accounted for all carnivorous dinosaurs. Many theropod dinosaurs show birdlike traits (including feathers on many species), particularly dromaeosaurs such as velociraptor.

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Jody Fay

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Q: How are birds and dinosaurs closely related?
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What are dinosaurs most closely related to?

Dinosaurs are most closely related to birds to the extent that birds are cnsidered a branch of dinosaurs.

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No modern bird is more closely related to dinosaurs than any other.

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The group of vertebrates most closely related to birds are probably the dinosaurs.

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Not at all. Giraffes are mammals, which are not closely related to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are more closely related to birds and modern reptiles.

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No. Mammals evolved from synapsid reptiles, a group not closely related to dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are more closely related to modern reptiles and birds than they are to mammals.

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Dinosaurs are very closely related to birds, which are thought to have evolved directlly from them.

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The closest living relatives of dinosaurs are birds.

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Dinosaurs are more closely related to mammals. Both mammals and dinosaurs share a reptilian ancestor that they don't share with amphibians.

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Yes they are, though there are closer relatives of dinosaurs. Crocodiles and alligators are more closely related to dinosaurs than lizards such as the komodo dragon are. Even more closely related are birds.

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No. Dinosaurs were not mammals. They were more closely related to birds and modern reptiles than they were to mammals.

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In terms of evolution, hawks are most closely related to alligators. This is because birds evolved from dinosaurs and both alligators and dinosaurs are archosaurs.