

How are bites and stings treated?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Some bites and stings, such as those from venomous snakes, require immediate medical attention, as do a host of others.

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Can insect bites and stings be prevented?

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Why do bee stings hurt but fly bites itch?

bee stings hurt because there putting their venom in you and the same thing for fly bites but diffrent venom

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You can learn about causes, symptoms and prevention of bug bites, and read about treatment of insect bites and stings. You can also see stings and bites from insects are common. You can view the pictures at

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Yes!! , it really stings ouch

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Acid Nettle Sting

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Bee stings are often treated with ammonium hydroxide why?

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It is a kit that help remove poisons from snake bites, bee and wasp stings, mosquito bites, etc.

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the best thing to prevent bug bites and stings is to use dryer sheets and bug spray.