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The bacterial cell walls are benefical medically because their formation is different from plant cell wall, so some of medicines can stop the growth of bacteria inside the host without affecting the host cells growth.

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The cell walls protect the cell from harmful bacteria.

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Q: How are cell walls important to bacterial cells?
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Do bacterial plant and animal cells have walls?

only plant and bacterial cells have walls

Do bacterial cells have cell walls or cell memebranes?

they are prokaryotic and therefore only have a cell membrane only plant cells have cell walls

What is the wall of an animal cell called?

Animal cells do not have walls. Only plant cells, fungal cells, and bacterial cells have walls.

Are all cell walls of plant cells and prokaryotic cells are structurally identical?

In general most prokaryotes do have cells walls. However, there are some prokaryotes such as the bacterial genus Mycoplasma that do not posses cell walls.

What is the main difference between plant and bacterial cells?

Plants are multicellular, bacterias are unicellular.Plant cells have cell walls made from cellulose. Bacterias have cell walls made of peptidoglycan.

Why pencilin does not harm human cells?

Penicillin attacks the peptidoglygan cross linking of bacterial cell walls and these bacteria are prokaryote. Human cells do not have cell walls and are eukaryote in domain.

What cells have peptidoglycan?

Peptidoglycan is found inside of the cell wall of the bacterial cell.

Large numbers of bacterial cells are not found in crown galls because?

Large numbers of bacterial cells are not found in crown galls because the bacteria responsible for gall formation (Agrobacterium tumefaciens) transfer only a small portion of their genetic material to the plant cell, triggering the formation of the gall. The bacteria do not actively multiply within the gall itself.

What is found in the cell walls of bacteria?

Bacterial cells are made up of Murin.Also called peptido glycan.

What is the differenc e of a animal cell from a plant and bacterial cell?

The difference between animal cells, plant cells, and bacteria is quite simple. Animal and plant cells have a nucleus, bacterial cells don't. Bacteria and plant cells both have cell walls, but animal cells don't. And plant cells are the only ones that have chloroplasts.

Why does penicillin not affect human cells?

This is essentially because bacterial cells and human cells are very different. Both bacterial and human cells use chemicals called enzymes to build their walls. Penicillin is the right chemical "shape" to chemically stick to part of the bacterial enzyme. When it does this, it stops the bacterial enzyme from working properly and this makes the bacterial cell walls weak. The weakened cell wall cannot withstand the outside pressure, it breaks up and the bacterial cell dies. Human cells are made by different types of enzymes with a different chemical shape that penecillin is unable to stick to so it cant stop the human enzymes from working. The human cell walls are thus unaffected by it and they remain strong.

Why don't plant cells burst when treated with penicillin?

The best i can do is: the cell walls are made from cellulose not peptidoglycan and penicillin interfers and weakens the peptidoglycan that makes up bacterial cell walls