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Chemical reactions can be used to remediate environments affected by chemical spills by simplifying the process of clean up. For example, oil spill clean up uses chemical agents that break down the oils and make it easier to clean up from the coast and marine animals who have been affected.

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Q: How are chemical reactions used to remediate environments affected by chemical spills?
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These are not chemical reactions but thermonuclear reactions.

Are chemical reaction affected by differences in temperature?

Yes, temperature has an effect on the speed of the reaction. Also most chemical reactions create heat. I feel that it is not exactly correct to say that most chemical reaction create heat. That is true for exothermic reactions, which give off heat, but endothermic reactions absorb heat instead.

How are chemical reactions abbreviated?

Chemical reactions are abbreviated by their chemical equations.

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4 useful chemical reactions are: fermentation, smelting combustion and electrolysis