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Q: How are chemicall properties different from chemical changes?
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Do chemical changes affect the chemical structure of a substance?

yes chemical properties do change a substance physical properties just change the physical shape or look!!!

When a substance changes into a new or different substances with different properties?

This is a chemical change, also known as a chemical reaction.

What is the differnce between physical and chemical change?

Chemical changes alter the chemical makeup of a substance... physical changes only change the way something looks, it does not modify the chemical properties.

Does a chemical reaction change physical properties or chemical?

it changes chemical properties

Those properties of a substance that describe how it changes while being converted into a different substance?

These are called Chemical Properties.

Those properties of a substance that describe how it changes while being converted into a different substances?

These are called Chemical Properties.

Different between physical and chemical change?

In a physical change the object changes appearance but in a chemical change the object turns into something different with different properties.

Properties that determine the chemical changes that a substance goes through are known as?

Chemical properties

What does a chemical change always do?

A chemical change always changes the chemical composition of the reactants to produce products with new and unique properties, different from the reactants.

When substances go throw chemical changes what will all ways happen?

One or more substances with different chemical properties will form.

What are property changes?

the properties that change are physical and chemical properties!!! :)

How is physical. change different than a chemical. change?

physical changes can be not permanent like solid-liquid-vapour chemical changes are permanent if not reversible