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Q: How are christians lives shaped by the basic beliefs and practices of Christianity?
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Why does the spread of Christianity matter?

The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.The spread of Christianity matters because it was one of the factors that shaped our western culture.

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Christianity is the religion that shaped America and made her what she is today.?

Yes, our founding fathers were all either christians or they believed in God and they also believed that the Bible is the word of God and what it says applies directly to our lives.

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A cultural historian studies the beliefs, customs, practices, and behaviors of a particular society or group of people. They explore how culture shapes and is shaped by historical events, institutions, and individuals over time.

Who is the funder of chritanity?

There are two answers to this question. Religious people say one thing, and historians say something different. While many religious Christians say the founder of Christianity was Jesus, actually Jesus lived and died a Jew. After his death, people who believed he was the promised messiah took some of his teachings, added some of their own, and crafted what became the Christian religion. Many scholars and historians believe Christianity was actually founded by Paul, because much of the early church's beliefs were based on what Paul said in the New Testament. Some other scholars say it was the writers of the Gospels who shaped Christian beliefs. Since Jesus left no writings, we can only rely on what was written about him. So that makes it difficult to say who exactly founded Christianity. But I would say Paul, because he had the greatest influence on the early church.

Why is Jerusalem so important to Christianity?

Jerusalem is important because a number of major events that shaped Christianity took place there. It is in Jerusalem that Jesus Christ was crucified and where He arose from.

What ingredients helped shaped Christianity?

The Protestant Reformation and the nailing of the 95 thesis on the Chatholic church in England.