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they are different because the circulatory system transport blood to the cells and the blood also gives other resoures to the cells and the vascular system is when it pumps blood in your vessels.

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Q: How are circulatory and vascular system different from each other?
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What system do the heart system belong to?

cardiovascular, circulatory and respiratory.

What are any other names for the circulatory system?

The circulatory system is also known as the cardio-vascular system.

Are the arteries a part of the circulatory system?

If you call the transport system in vascular plants "circulatory", then you're right, the other is phloem. The xylem transports water and soluble nutrients from the roots throughout the plant. By laastos

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their circulatory system is tottaly different from each other as fishes have sinple circulatory system and consists of single auricle and ventricle while all amphibians have double circulatory system and have 3 chambers of heart (one ventricle and two atrium).

How does the circulatory system affect other body systems?

The circulatory system affects the other body systems because the circulatory system gives oxygen to the other system. Without the circulatory system the other systems would not work.

How are the three different body system connected to the circulatory system?

because that is where the other systems get there nutrients

What do vascular tissues provide for plants?

Vascular Tissues are the Xylem and Phloem. These are the transport system of plants in other words, the circulatory system. The Xylem is responsible for the traveling of liquids to its other organs while the Phloem absorbs food particles.

What system comprises of heart and blood vessels?

Cardiovascular System (also called the circulatory system) Includes the Heart, Blood vessels, and blood Primary transport system that carries blood containing oxygen, carbon dioxide, nutrients, wastes, ions, hormones, and other substances to and from the cells where exchanges are made; pumping action of the heart propels blood through the blood vessels. Protects body with blood clots, antibodies, and other protein molecules in the blood.

Is the respiratory system part of the circulatory system?

No both of them are different but they meet each other in lungs where,exchange of gas takes place.

What are the other name of circulatory system?

The cardiovascular system.

What body system is the transportation system of the body?

circulatory system

Which organ system contains blood vessels and heart?

The circulatory system and the cardiovascular system. :D NOT jk