

How are citizens expected to support their government?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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11y ago

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Citizens can effectively support their government by doing such things as voting, serving in the military, or paying taxes.

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Q: How are citizens expected to support their government?
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Citizens are expected to support their government through?

Citizens, both by nature of being born and naturalized, are entitled to freedom given by the government. In exchange for freedom, citizens are expected to support their government through exercising right to vote, paying taxes, and, if eligible, submit themsleves in military service.

Which statement summarizes the role citizens play in a democracy?

Citizens are the souce of political sovereignty - Apex :)

What are citizens expected to do in a constitutional government?

-Obey the laws of government -Vote

What is a example of an obligation citizens are expected to exercise?

Citizens are expected to pay their taxes. Taxes are an obligatory responsibly because we have to pay for government and infrastructure.

What makes a republic different from a democracy-?

Citizens are expected to participate more actively in a democracy. in a republic, citizens do not participate as directly.

What are some civic responsibilities for roman citzens?

Ancient Roman citizens were expected to support the Roman government. That was true in the days of Rome's Republic and also true in the days of the Princeps. Citizens were expected to pay taxes where applicable. Romans were expected to raise their children with respect and to teach them to also be loyal to whatever type of government ruled Rome. Where there were opportunities to vote, citizens were expected to do so. In the ancient world the power to vote was a valuable one and the ancient Greeks also exercised that as well, but few other kingdoms or empires had this right.

What were citizens of the polis expected to do?

Citizens were expected to participate in government and defend the polis. Polis did not do so because they were denied the chance to do so.

What was expected of citizens of ancient Greece?

they were expecting changes from alexander the great, in the government.

What is the role of a government as a producer?

As a producer, the role of the government is to build the basic infrastructure such as roads, school, and hospitals and provide security to its citizens. The government is also expected to create job opportunities to its citizens.

Are there any different types of dictatorships?

Benign dictatorship - Where the government is unelected but still provides social services to its citizens. Totalitarianism - Where there is an official ideology, citizens are expected to get involved in government projects etc.. Authoritarianism - Where the government is secretive and oppresses the masses.

Do U.S citizens pay taxes to support the government?

You could say that US citizens pay taxes to support the government. You might also say that US citizens pay taxes because they wish to receive the various services which the government performs for them. Or, you could say that US citizens pay taxes to avoid being arrested for tax evasion. There are lots of ways of looking at it.

Do Democratic Governments always enjoy the support of their citizens?

they need to. without support from the public, the government will not receieve votes and therefore, the party in place will loose its seat/sAnother View: No, not always. Occasionally the citizens are not always in accord with the actions of their government.