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The greater the concentration of salt in an aqueous solution, the higher the electrical conductivity. This is because, with a greater salt concentration, there are more ions available to serve as a path for electron transfer in the solution.

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Q: How are conductivity and concentration of a salt solution related?
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How do you calculate the concentration of a salt solution with known conductivity?

There are a few different ways you could calculate the concentration of a salt solution with known conductivity. You could compare this amount of salt with pure water for example and take notes on the differences.

What is a salinometer?

An instrument that uses electrical conductivity to measure the concentration of salt in a solution. Source:

Dissolving salt in water increase the conductivity of the solution because?

concentration of ions in the solution increases!

If conductivity solution is frozen will it change the conductivity?

Conductivity of frozen solution will decrease tremendously, as iones will be immobile in frozen solution. However, upon defrost, the conductivity should return to standard value, if salt has not percititated out of solution irreversibly, which is not ususally the case with conductivity standard solutions.

How does concentration change after every spoon full of salt is added after the solution is saturated?

The concentration of the salt solution does NOT change- it is saturated.

What is the dependent variable for how does salt affect the freezing point of water?

The concentration of the salt solution, or salinity. It changes as shown in the related link below.

A water solution that has the same salt concentration as the cells is said to be?

A water solution that has the same salt concentration as the cells is said to be is isotonic.

Why does the conductivity of a solution decrease with dilution solution?

Conductivity through a solution is generally through the ions that are present in it. Pure water is not very conductive at all, but salty water is quite conductive. Therefore the more salt or ions dissolved in solution, the higher the conductivity (within limits). As you dilute in solution the concentration of ions goes down, and the ability to pass a current is diminished.

What will conduct electricity when mixed with water?

Water will conduct electricity if salt NaCl is dissolved in it. The conductivity is proportional to the salt concentration, and 3% gives a conductivity of 5 S/m, as in sea water.

What is the percentage by mass of salt solution prepared by dissolving 11 grams of salt in 80 grams of solution with solution?

The percent concentration is 13,75 %.

What is the density of salt- water solution?

This depends on salt concentration; however it ranges roughly from 1.0 (low) to 1.6 g/mL at high concentration. Seawater 1.02 - 1.03

Why does the cell give off water in a high salt solution?

The concentration of the water determines the rate of diffusion. A higher concentration of water will be transported to an area with a lower concentration, via the concentration gradient. In a high salt solution, the concentration of the water is higher in the cell, and so the water is diffused through the cells semi-permeable membrane into the high salt solution, to try to stabilise the concentration differential.