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Convex lenses are thicker in the middle than at the edges. They cause light rays to converge. Concave lenses are thicker at the edges than they are in the middle. They cause light rays to spread out, or diverge.

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Q: How are convex and concave lenses different from each other?
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How do people use lenses to see things a long way away?

Lenses are either concave or convex. Concave lenses curve inward from both sides, and convex lenses curve outward one side and inward on the other. Concave and convex lenses change the image to be able to see from close or far distances.These are used for glasses, magnifying glasses, and telescopes.

What is the difference between a concave and convex lens?

Convex lenses are thicker in the middle than at the edges. They refract toward the center. Only people have convex lenses. Concave lenses are used in telescopes and glasses. Concave lenses are thinner in the middle than at the edges. When light passes through concave lenses always bend away from each other toward the edges of the lens.A convex or "positive" lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. A concave, or "negative" lens is thinner at the middle and thicker at the edges. Convex lenses project a real image behind the lens; concave lenses project a virtual image in front of the lens.

A type of lens that magnifies an object?

convex converging apex... :P

How are convex and concave different?

They have different curvatures, one curves in and the other curves out.

There are 3 types of filet welds name them?

concave, convex and the other one which is niether concave or convex

What things use convex lenses?

You know those microscopes? Well, you probably do. A convex lens can be found in a microscope. Concave AND convex are both used in this item. You can also check on microscopes depending on your age (3-5 grades). It sadly cost money. There are also farsightedness glasses that use convex lenses. And you might've guessed, nearsightedness glasses use concave. Magnifying glasses are of convex lens use, too. Then there's also contact lenses. Magnifying glasses, telescopes, vehicle mirrors and more mirrors in hospitals and other building use these lenses. Sorry if this paragraph was too long but I hope this was helpful!

What do you mean by convex mirror and concave mirror?

concave and convex refer to the curve of the mirror. if it is concave, it curves in at the middle, like a 'cave'. if it is convex, it curves out at the middle, like an eye. think of a spoon - one side is convex, the other is concave. this curve will affect the image the mirror shows.

Uses of Convex Lenses?

A convex lens is used to make objects appear larger and they are used in eyeglasses. Other uses for convex lenses include magnifying glasses, binoculars, and cameras.

What is the difference between concave and convex lenses in improving eyesight?

A concave lens is used to correct nearsightedness (myopia), where the eyeball is too long or the cornea is too curved, causing distant objects to appear blurry. It helps to diverge the light entering the eye, allowing it to focus properly on the retina. On the other hand, a convex lens is used to correct farsightedness (hyperopia), where the eyeball is too short or the cornea is too flat, causing nearby objects to appear blurry. It helps to converge the light entering the eye, allowing it to focus properly on the retina.

Why do things look upside down in the microscope?

its because the lens of the microscope is convex. this means that it is curved a little bit, like the lenses of glasses. this causes the image to appear upside down. try looking into the curved part of a spoon from both sides. one side your reflection is normal, but on the other side your reflection is upside down, because of concave and convex. The side where you see your reflection normal is concave, and the side where it is backwards is convex. hope i helped!

Name two lenses used in stage lighting instruments?

There are a variety of lenses used in theaterical or stage lighting. Here is a short list and their uses: Plano-Convex- This lens is used in standard Ellipsoidal Spotlights. One side is flat(plano) and the other is Convex. Convex-convex- This lens is also used in conjunction with Plano-Convex. This, however, has both sides of the lens as convex. Fresnel lens- Used in fresnels to disperse the light Par- These lenses are intergrated into the filament, envelope, and base of the lamp. These are bubble type lenses.

What part is thicker than the other in a convex lens?

In a convex lens, the middle is thicker than the outer rim. In a concave lens, the outside rim is thicker.