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• Condensation or dehydration synthesis reactions.

• Monomers are covalently linked to one another through the removal of water.

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3w ago

Covalent linkages in organic polymers are formed through a process called polymerization, where monomer units react together to form a chain. This can involve the sharing of electrons between monomer units to create strong covalent bonds. Breaking covalent linkages in organic polymers typically requires applying energy, such as heat or a chemical reaction, which can break the bonds holding the polymer chain together.

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11y ago

Condensation or dehydration synthesis reaction. Monomers are covalently linked to one another through the removal of water.

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Q: How are covalent linkages in organic polymers formed and broken?
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When an organic solid is melted are covalent bonds broken?

No, when an organic solid is melted, the covalent bonds within the molecules remain intact. The melting process only involves overcoming intermolecular forces, such as van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding, which hold the molecules together in the solid state.

When covalent bonds are broken energy is released?

Breaking covalent bonds requires input of energy, not the release of energy. When covalent bonds are broken, energy is absorbed by the molecules involved in the process.

Why do natural polymers not pose as much of an issue in landfills as synthetic polymers Natural polymers are cheap to recycle and synthetic polymers are expensive to recycle. Natural polymers are expe?

Natural polymers are biodegradable, meaning they can be broken down by bacteria and other organisms in the environment. This process helps to reduce the amount of natural polymers going to landfills. Synthetic polymers, on the other hand, are not easily biodegradable and can persist in the environment for a long time, contributing to landfill waste issues.

Can lipids be polymers?

No, lipids are not polymers. Polymers are large molecules made up of repeating units called monomers, whereas lipids are a diverse group of molecules that include fats, oils, and waxes that are not built from repeating units.

Do anabolic reactions release energy while building polymers?

No, anabolic reactions require energy input to build polymers. Energy is stored in the chemical bonds of these polymers and is released when they are broken down in catabolic reactions.

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What type of chemical reaction occurs when polymers are broken apart by water?

Hydrolysis. Polymers are broken down into monomers in a process known as hydrolysis

When an organic solid is melted are covalent bonds broken?

No, when an organic solid is melted, the covalent bonds within the molecules remain intact. The melting process only involves overcoming intermolecular forces, such as van der Waals forces or hydrogen bonding, which hold the molecules together in the solid state.

Is broken glass organic?

No it is not Organic! (:

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In soil !! x

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Why are glycosidic ester and peptide bonds called dehydration linkages?

Glycosidic ester and peptide bonds are referred to as dehydration linkages because they are formed through dehydration synthesis, a chemical reaction where water is removed to create the bond between two molecules. In this process, a water molecule is eliminated, resulting in the formation of a covalent bond between the molecules involved.

What difference between organic and inorganic with examples?

Organic molecules are made up of C, H, O, and can include N, P, Halogens, OH... ex: methane CH4 Inorganics can be broken down into 2 catigories: -Ionic: NaCl -covalent/molecular: CO2

When covalent bonds are broken energy is released?

Breaking covalent bonds requires input of energy, not the release of energy. When covalent bonds are broken, energy is absorbed by the molecules involved in the process.

Does breaking monomer cause polymers?

No, breaking a monomer typically does not cause polymers. Polymers are formed when monomers combine together through a chemical reaction called polymerization. Breaking a monomer would not lead to the formation of polymers.

How can a covalent bond break?

covalent bonds can be broken if energy is added to a molecule. this formation of covalent bond is accompanied by energy given off.

When polymers are broken down into polymers what would your body do with those monomers?

It tends to use them for things like, oh, respiration, protein construction, you know, surviving in general...