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Jem and Dill do not want to be with Scout as much as they did before they seclude themselves from her.

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In their second summer, Dill is more mature and shows an interest in civil rights issues, while Jem is growing into adolescence and becoming more serious and responsible. Dill's curiosity and activism contrast with Jem's changing outlook on the world around him.

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Q: How are dill and jem different this second summer?
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Boo Radley's life

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Where are dill and Jem?

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Jem and Dill are sitting up high in the balcony during the courthouse meeting, as they are not allowed to sit on the main floor with the rest of the adults. They are watching the trial from a distance to better understand what is happening.

Who do they look forward to spending time with in the summer in to kill a mockingbird?

Scout and Jem look forward to spending time with their friend Dill Harris during the summer in "To Kill a Mockingbird." Dill's visits bring excitement and new adventures to their lives.

In To Kill a Mockingbird who has the idea to get Boo Radley to come out?

Charles Baker Harris (Dill), who visits his aunt Rachel every summer in Maycomb came up with the idea of getting Boo Radley out of his house. Scout, Dill, and Jem try to do this with several different strategies.

Was Dill exepmt from miss Maudie's hidden talent?

Yes, Dill was exempt from Miss Maudie's knowledge of her gardening talent because he was only there for the summer and did not get to explore the neighborhood as much as Scout and Jem did.