


To Kill a Mockingbird

This category is for questions about the literature classic, To Kill a Mockingbird. It was written by Harper Lee, and originally published in 1960. The film adaptation was made in 1962.

7,666 Questions

Can a 4.7 earthquake kill you?

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It is unlikely for a 4.7 earthquake to cause fatalities unless unanticipated circumstances occur, such as collapsing buildings or other structures. The severity of damage also depends on factors like building construction, population density, and preparedness measures in place.

What does Scout learn from her family?

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Scout learns empathy, courage, and integrity from her family. She learns to see things from others' perspectives, stand up for what is right, and stay true to her values, even in the face of adversity.

What happens to the knot hole?

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As the tree grows, the knot hole can become covered up by new growth or get pushed out over time. The wood around the knot hole may also continue to grow and expand, filling in the space where the knot hole used to be.

Why does Atticus leaves the house with the extension cord?

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Atticus leaves the house with the extension cord to protect himself from the potential attack of the rabid dog, Tim Johnson. He uses the cord to ensure he keeps a safe distance while he aims and shoots the dog.

What eats mockingbirds?

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some predators include snakes, owls and hawks.
Any bird of prey such as an owl or hawk would eat a mockingbird. Falcons also would, especially a Merlin or kestrel. And I have even seen a Loggerhead Shrike eat a mockingbird. House cats, dogs, raccoons, and snakes would also gladly eat mockingbirds.

Which character does Francis describe as a Stray dog In the book to kill a mockingbird?

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In the book "To Kill a Mockingbird," Francis describes Atticus as a "Stray dog." He uses this term as an insult to show his disdain for Atticus' defense of Tom Robinson, and to suggest that Atticus is going against his own family by doing so.

How did Atticus aunt Alexandra and Dr. Reynolds treat boo Radley?

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee, Aunt Alexandra and Dr. Reynolds treated Boo Radley with concern and respect, especially towards the end of the novel. Initially, Boo Radley is a mysterious and reclusive figure in the neighborhood, and there are various rumors and misconceptions about him. However, as the story progresses and the truth about Boo Radley is revealed, Aunt Alexandra and Dr. Reynolds come to understand his situation and treat him with kindness. They recognize his humanity and the injustices he has faced, showing empathy and compassion towards him.

Does calpurnia subscribe to the belief in the great chain of being what evidence is there?

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Not that she has that many lines from which to deduce her philosophy, but her line "When beggars die, there are no comets seen; the heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes." does support the concept that nature supports a social structure with the princes at the top and the beggars further down.

How is To Kill a Mockingbird propaganda?

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"To Kill a Mockingbird" could be seen as propaganda in promoting themes of racial equality, social justice, and standing up against prejudice. The novel challenges readers to reconsider their own beliefs and societal norms, advocating for empathy and understanding towards others. By advocating these values, the book can be seen as shaping readers' perspectives and influencing their attitudes towards important social issues.

How did Walter Cunningham almost die?

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Walter Cunningham almost died when Atticus Finch, a lawyer, defended him during a mob scene in "To Kill a Mockingbird." A group of men wanted to take the law into their own hands and harm him, but Scout, the daughter of Atticus, intervened and diffused the situation.

With what is aunt Alexandria most preoccupied?

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Aunt Alexandra is most preoccupied with the Finch family's reputation and how they are perceived by the community. She is concerned with upholding social status and adhering to traditional Southern values and expectations.

'You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view - until you climb into his skin and walk around in it' On what page of To Kill a Mockingbird is this quote?

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This quote is found on page 30 of the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by Harper Lee. It is spoken by Atticus Finch as a lesson to his daughter Scout about the importance of empathy and understanding others.

Why did Atticus's put a Cunningham on the jury?

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cause he felt like it

What tom says mayella did to him while he was standing on the chair?

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he said that she pulled down his pants and attempted to rape him and then Heck Tate came by and she ran inside

What happens during cross examination?

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The defense tries to create doubt in the minds of the jury.

What current event does Cecil Jacobs discuss?

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Asked by BlackHersheyKisses

Cecil Jacobs discusses the recent trial of Tom Robinson, a black man accused of assaulting a white woman, in Harper Lee's novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." Cecil talks about the details of the trial and the racial tensions in Maycomb, Alabama.

'' to kill a mockingbird '' where does the sheriff say he had gotten the switchblade?

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird," the sheriff, Heck Tate, reveals that he found the switchblade that Bob Ewell used in the attack on Scout and Jem near the Ewell house after the incident. Heck Tate states that Bob Ewell fell on his knife during the struggle, leading to his own demise.

'' to kill a mockingbird '' who does sheriff tate find has been killed in the scuffle?

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Sheriff Tate finds that Bob Ewell has been killed in the scuffle.

What things are strange about the courtroom during the wait for a jury decision?

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Silence: The courtroom is often silent during this time, with everyone anxiously waiting for the jury's decision. This silence can feel heavy and oppressive, adding to the tension in the room.

Nervous Energy: There's often a palpable sense of nervous energy in the room as everyone involved in the trial anxiously awaits the jury's decision. This can manifest in fidgeting, pacing, or other restless behaviors.

Speculation: People in the courtroom, including the legal teams, family members, and observers, may engage in speculation about what the jury's decision will be. Rumors and whispers can add to the tension as everyone tries to read the situation.

Emotional Intensity: Emotions run high during this time, particularly for the parties directly involved in the trial and their loved ones. There may be tears, prayers, or other displays of emotion as people grapple with the uncertainty of the situation.

Pressure: The wait for a jury decision can feel like an eternity, especially for those whose fate hangs in the balance. The pressure can be overwhelming, leading to heightened emotions and stress.

Anticipation: As the wait drags on, anticipation builds, and every passing minute can feel like an eternity. Time seems to slow down as everyone anxiously awaits the jury's decision.

Symbolism: The courtroom itself can take on a symbolic significance during this time, representing justice, fairness, and the rule of law. The outcome of the trial will ultimately be decided within its walls, adding to the gravity of the situation.

Overall, the wait for a jury decision in a courtroom can be a surreal and tense experience, filled with

What chapter does nut grass show up in To Kill A Mockingbird?

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Nut grass is mentioned in Chapter 5 of "To Kill a Mockingbird." It is a metaphor used by Atticus to explain how deeply rooted racism is in Maycomb society.

What was eula may job?

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Eula May was a professional hairdresser and beautician who worked at the Piggly Wiggly supermarket in the TV show "The Andy Griffith Show." She was known for her flamboyant personality and unique sense of style.

Why does judge Taylor not hold mayella in contempt of court?

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Judge Taylor does not hold Mayella in contempt of court because she is considered a victim in the trial, not a perpetrator. Mayella Ewell is seen as a vulnerable young girl who has been taken advantage of by her father, Bob Ewell, and is not seen as culpable for her actions.

Who is knife was in bob Ewell?

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The knife was in Bob Ewell's chest when he died during the struggle with Boo Radley in the novel "To Kill a Mockingbird." Boo Radley had come to the defense of Scout and Jem when they were attacked by Bob Ewell, resulting in Ewell's fatal injuries.

Which character most consistently challenges Scout to be less of a tom boy and act more like a little lady?

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Aunt Alexandra is the character who most consistently challenges Scout to be less of a tomboy and act more like a little lady. She believes that Scout should conform to traditional gender norms and behave in a more feminine and ladylike manner.