



In terms of computer security, a backdoor is a hidden method to gain unauthorized access to a computer system. Questions about backdoors belong here.

678 Questions

How do you get rid of generic pup z?

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Asked by Wiki User

To get rid of Generic PUP.Z, I recommend running a full scan of your computer using reputable antivirus software. Make sure your antivirus definitions are up to date before running the scan. You can also try using a malware removal tool specifically designed to remove potentially unwanted programs (PUPs). Additionally, regularly update your operating system and software to patch any vulnerabilities that malware like PUP.Z may exploit.

How do you get rid of a Trojan downloader nebular s?

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Asked by Wiki User

To remove the Trojan downloader Nebular S, you should run a full scan of your computer with reputable antivirus software and follow the removal instructions provided. Make sure your antivirus definitions are up to date and consider using additional malware removal tools if necessary. It's also important to update your operating system and software to patch any vulnerabilities the Trojan may have exploited.

How did the work of ivanovsky and beijerinck lead to the discovery of the virus?

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Asked by CaseyTheGiraffe16

Ivanovsky and Beijerinck independently discovered that an infectious agent smaller than bacteria was causing disease in plants. Their work laid the foundation for the concept of viruses as distinct entities from bacteria, leading to further research and the eventual identification and characterization of viruses.

How do your body fights viruses?

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Asked by Wiki User

white blood cells are the fighters of the body. whenever a virus invades the human body, white blood cells fight off the virus

How do viruses stay hidden?

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Asked by Wiki User

Viruses can stay hidden by mutating frequently to avoid detection by the immune system. Some viruses can also enter a dormant state within host cells, making them hard to detect and target for treatment. Additionally, viruses can evade the immune response by altering their surface proteins to avoid recognition by antibodies.

How do vaccines work to limit the spread of computer and biological viruses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Vaccines work by introducing a harmless form of the virus to the body, which triggers an immune response and prepares the immune system to recognize and fight the virus in case of future exposure. Similarly, antivirus software detects and neutralizes harmful computer viruses, preventing them from spreading and infecting other devices. Both vaccines and antivirus programs play a crucial role in limiting the spread of viruses by boosting immunity in biological systems and detecting and removing malicious code in computer systems.

What is the use of computer in biology?

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Asked by Wiki User

Computers are used in biology for tasks such as data analysis, modeling biological systems, storing and accessing large datasets, running simulations, and conducting bioinformatics research. They help biologists process and interpret complex biological data more efficiently and accurately than manual methods.

How are computer viruses similar to and different from biological viruses?

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Asked by Wiki User

Computer viruses and biological viruses are similar in that they both replicate and spread, often causing harm to the system they infect. However, computer viruses are created by humans to infiltrate electronic devices, while biological viruses are naturally occurring and infect living organisms. Additionally, computer viruses can be removed by antivirus software, whereas there is no definite cure for biological viruses.

Viruses live and breed in what cells?

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Asked by Wiki User

Viruses cannot live or breed on their own. Instead, they infect the cells of living organisms, such as animals, plants, and bacteria, to replicate and spread. Once inside a host cell, the virus hijacks the cell's machinery to reproduce more viruses.

When was the first man created by nature?

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Asked by Wiki User

The concept of the first man created by nature is tied to religious or mythological beliefs rather than scientific fact. In scientific terms, human evolution dates back to about 6-7 million years ago with the emergence of our distant ape-like ancestors.

What does WX stand for in a winter WX advisory?

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Asked by Wiki User

I'm not familiar with "Winter Weather Warning" - it is not a term used in the United States, at least. In the US, there are several different types of advisories and warnings in addition to the watches that often precede them. The criteria for these products varies regionally, since 3" of snow is a big deal in the deep south but is hardly worth mentioning in some regions to the north.

In the United States, the National Weather Service (which is split into many different regional offices) is responsible for issuing all watches, warnings, and advisories. You can go to their homepage at the related link and easily determine the details of whatever might be issued for your area currently.

What is the difference in a virus family and virus genus?

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Asked by Wiki User

A virus family is a higher taxonomic rank that encompasses multiple related virus genera, which are more specific groups of viruses within a family. Think of it as the difference between different branches on a family tree versus individual members within a branch.

A sentence for mutate?

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Asked by Wiki User

The genetic mutation caused the DNA to mutate and change the organism's traits.

What comes after a TB?

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Asked by Wiki User

PB or petabyte which is 1024TB or 1000TB depending what you are talking about.

I believe the question is on Hard disk Space, hence, it starts with a Byte (byte)

Kilobyte (KB) = 1024 Bytes

Megabyte (MB) = 1024 KB

Gigabyte (GB) = 1024 MB

Terabyte (TB) = 1024 GB

Petabyte (PB) = 1024 TB

Exabyte (EB) = 1024 PB

Zettabyte (ZB) = 1024 EB

Yottabyte (YB) = 1024 ZB

Keep multiplying by 1024 to get the next unit.

Is a virus multicellular?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, a virus is not multicellular. Viruses are simple infectious agents that consist of genetic material (either DNA or RNA) enclosed in a protein coat. They lack cellular machinery and can only replicate inside the cells of a host organism.

Can you take a 240V circuit and run it into another box running 4 120V breakers off it?

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Asked by Wiki User

No, you cannot directly run a 240V circuit into a box with 120V breakers. The breakers in the box must match the voltage of the circuit. If you want to power 120V circuits from a 240V source, you'll need a subpanel with a 240V-to-120V step-down transformer or install a dedicated 240V circuit for the 240V loads.

What is KAP study?

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Asked by Wiki User

“KAP” study measures the Knowledge, Attitude and

Practices of a community. It serves as an educational

diagnosis of the community.

Draw the memory diagram of calloc function how it allocating the memory?

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Asked by Wiki User

When calloc is called, it first allocates memory blocks equal to the product of the given number of elements and size of each element. It then initializes all bytes in the allocated memory to zero. The memory diagram would show a contiguous block of memory with its contents set to zero after the allocation.

Role of IT in socio economic development in mirpurkhas district?

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Asked by Wiki User

In Mirpurkhas district, IT plays a crucial role in driving socio-economic development by enhancing access to information, promoting digital literacy, facilitating online commerce, connecting communities, and improving governance through e-governance initiatives. By leveraging IT infrastructure, the district can improve education, healthcare, agriculture, and overall livelihoods of its residents, leading to positive social and economic outcomes.

What is grace murray hopper statement about information and knowledge?

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Asked by Wiki User

Grace Hopper famously said, "The most dangerous phrase in the language is, ‘We've always done it this way.’" This emphasizes the importance of embracing new ideas and being open to change in order to grow and innovate in the field of technology.

How does info stealer virus work?

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Asked by Wiki User

An info stealer virus is a type of malware designed to secretly collect sensitive information from a victim's device, such as login credentials, credit card details, or personal data. It typically works by infiltrating the system through malicious links, email attachments, or software downloads, and then covertly sends the stolen data to a remote server controlled by the attacker without the victim's knowledge. The stolen information can then be used for various malicious purposes, such as identity theft or financial fraud.

What is a criticism of the categorizations of nations as developed or developing?

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Asked by Wiki User

One criticism is that such categorizations oversimplify complex economic, social, and political realities, leading to stereotyping and generalizations. They may perpetuate a sense of hierarchy and stigmatize countries deemed as "developing," while failing to capture the diversity and nuances within nations. Additionally, the terms may not adequately address issues such as inequality, sustainability, and cultural differences within and between countries.

Can a person have an angel or demon sealed inside of them from birth?

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Asked by Wiki User

In folklore and mythology, there are stories of people having angels or demons sealed inside them from birth, but these are usually fictional or supernatural tales. In reality, there is no scientific evidence to support the idea of a person having an actual angel or demon sealed inside them from birth.

Who published demon dentist?

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Asked by Wiki User

"Demon Dentist" was published by HarperCollins Children's Books in 2013. It was written by popular British author David Walliams.

Filthy lucre and backdoor lover achievements in aching dreams?

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Asked by Wiki User

You get back door lover from choosing the option that starts with a A during Taiyo's scene

and you can get filthy lucre by using the specials service option at the shop enough times to get the option to give her 1000g which to my knowledge requires use of cheats: lunareclipse an ultramanseven