

How are displacements and distance similar and different?

Updated: 10/7/2021
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6y ago

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Displacement is the distance that something has moved. You could have distances between two different objects, and the distance could be constant if the objects do not move. Displacement is always for the same object, and it has to have moved.

There is one other sense for the word displacement: it is the amount of liquid that an object displaces (takes the place of) when the object is placed in the liquid. For example, when a boat floats in the water, it displaces 1 gallon of water for every 8 pounds the boat weighs. If an object sinks, it is because it displaces water that weighs less than the object does.

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Displacements in opposite directions are combined by using vector addition. If the displacements have the same magnitude, they cancel each other out. If they have different magnitudes, the combined displacement is the difference between the two displacements in the direction of the larger displacement.

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To determine if two objects have equal displacements, compare the magnitudes and directions of their displacements. If the magnitudes (distances) and directions traveled by each object are the same, then their displacements are equal. Displacement is a vector quantity that takes into account both distance and direction.

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They are similar in the sense that both are measures of angular displacements. pi radians = 180 degrees so that 1 radian = 57.2958 degrees (approx) or 1 degree = 0.01745 radians

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Displacements because displacements will tell your friend how far to go and which direction to go, while distances will only tell how far to go.

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Displacements because displacements will tell your friend how far to go and which direction to go, while distances will only tell how far to go.

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Any distance between 3m and 15m, depending on the angle between the two individual displacements.

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You use vectors.

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Hardly at all, at small displacements or amplitudes. At larger displacements (larger angles), the period will get somewhat longer.

How do you calculate distance and displacement?

Distance is a scalar quantity calculated by adding together the magnitudes of all individual displacements. Displacement is a vector quantity that measures the change in position from the initial to the final point and is the shortest path between these points. Distance can be greater than displacement if the path taken is not a straight line.

What do magnitudes do when you combine two displacements that are in opposite directions?

When you combine two displacements in opposite directions, you subtract their magnitudes. This means that the resulting displacement will be the difference between the magnitudes of the two displacements, with the direction of the larger displacement determining the overall direction of the combined displacement.

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