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Dust bunnies are not living things, but they can grow, reason being if you don't clean an area for a while, dust keeps building, pretty soon that Dust bunny will become a city of dust :D

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Q: How are dust bunnies non living things that grow?
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Can dust bunnies grow?


What living things that can grow and develop?

Some non-living things that grow are: Physical things * crystals * stalactites/stalagmites * mountains * rivers * lakes * canyons * glaciers * sand bars * river deltas * dust bunnies * storm clouds Intangibles: * political movements * knowledge base

How living things grow?

living things grow because their cells can reproduce (gabby h did this)

What might happen as living things grow?

Living things may develop and change as they grow

Reasons why the dust bowl started?

I think its because when people started to plow the prairies the soil dried up and when the wind came it would blow the dust everywhere and then you cant grow anything at all except dust bunnies!

Why living things grow?

I am a living thing!

How does the growth between living and non living things differ?

Living things like bugs grow. Non-living things like rocks or water, don't grow at all.

Meaning of living things?

living things has a life it can move can eat can grow. non living things has no life it cannot move unless we will not touch it. it cannot eat cannot grow..

Do jelly fish grow?

Since they are living, they do grow. This is one of the features that make living things, living.

Contrast growth in living and nonliving things?

Nonliving things do not grow at all because that is a characteristic of life. Living things use energy to grow.

Why do living things grow and change?

Living things grow and change because if we didn't we would have never Ben born cause we have to grow to be born ,and that's the same for most things.

Compare the growth of living things and non living things?

Living things grow but non living things do not grow.I beg to disagree with the statement above. A volcano may not be a ling thing but it sure grows. Stalactites and stalagmites also grow. A balloon grows as it is inflated and cemented roads also grow when exposed to the sunlight.It is safer to say that living things grow from the inside while most non-living things grow from the accumulation of matter outside or from expansion due to heat.