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The greater the energy the shorter the wavelength.

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Q: How are energy and wavelength of electromagnet radiation related?
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How are the energy and wavelength radiation related?

Energy and wavelength are related by Planck's Energy formula E = hf = hc/w where w is the wavelength.

How are energy and wavelength of an electromagnetic radiation related?


How are the wavelength and energy of electromagnetic radiation related?

The energy of one photon is given by its frequency X planck's constant Its frequency is given by the speed of light divided by the wavelength.

Infrared radiation How can the relationship between wavelength and energy be described?

Energy E and wavelength w are related by a constant ,Ew= hc = .2E-24 Joule -meter.

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How are the energy and wavelength of electro magnetic radiation related?

The Relationship is the 'Flux' of the magnetic field.Changing the amount of energy will not effect the wavelength (except to choke off the field when it becomes too dense)and increasing the wavelength will increase the energy density (flux)

What type of em radiation has shortest wavelength and most energy?

Gamma radiation

What characteristic of an electromagnetic wave is associated with the energy of that radiation?

The wavelength, E = hc/wavelength.

What is electromagnetic radiation with the shortest wavelength?

The gamma ray has the shortest wavelength (and shortest period) as well as the highest frequency (and highest energy) of all forms of electromagnetic radiation.That's the part of the spectrum that we call "gamma rays".There is no definite answer to this as we can have shorter and shorter wavelengths from a value which we have assigned to be the shortest wavelength.However, gamma rays have the shortest wavelength in the electromagnetic spectrum.Gamma radiation ;)The region of the spectrum that we call "gamma rays" has.

A wave of electromagnetic radiation has more energy if it?

... shorter in wavelength.

How is wavelength of an EM wave related to its energy?

The shorter the wavelength of a wave, the higher its energy.

What is the wavelenght of UV?

The wavelength of UV radiation energy is typically shorter than the wavelength of normal sunlight radiation, so you can't see UV