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How do you tell the HENS from the TOMS? * Once they mature, the toms are larger and have longer legs. * Toms grow a beard (long black feathers) in the middle of the chest (breast). Very few hens grow a beard. * A male turkey's head and wattle (growth under the chin) is larger. * The tom's snood (a fleshy growth on top of the bill) is longer and hangs down the side of his face. * Male turkeys gobble. Hens do not. Hens make a clicking or clucking sound. Male turkeys strut about, gobbling loudly and holding their heads high. They stick out their chests, fan their large tails and drag their wings on the ground. They do this to attract the attention of the female turkeys.~

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Q: How are female and male turkey different?
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What ways are female turkey different from male turkeys?

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Is a turkey a male or a femal?

A turkey can be either a female or a male. However, a male turkey is called a gobbler and a female turkey is called a henAnsweryes -either male or female AnswerIt is hard to determine a turkeys sex. one way is to stick your finger in the chloachea located at the bottom of the bird. This link below gives excellent diagrams showing the different features of males and females.

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How are male Turkey's different from female Turkey's?

well they are usually brighter colored and larger. as well asthe fact that they have sperm

What is the life expectancy in Turkey for a male and female?

The life expectancy for a female in Turkey(the country) is 76.1 and the male is 71.5

What do you call a male Turkey and female Turkey?

A male turkey is called a tom or a gobbler, a female turkey a hen, and a baby turkey a poult or chick. A young male turkey is called a jake and a young femaleis called a jenny.

Male turkeys and female turkeys are called what?

The female turkey is called a hen, a male turkey is called a tom or gobbler and a young male turkey is a jake.

How can you tell a male from a female turkey?

The tom turkey gobbles, and the turkey hen makes a clicking noise!!

Which are larger male turkey or female turkey?

the answer is that the male turkey looks bigger because of its feathers and the fact that it is tall. but the female is stockier and has more meat

Riddle what is the difference between a male turkey and a female turkey?

The male is the one holding the female's purse while she shops.

Which are larger the male or female turkey?

the answer to that question is the female