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Gravity comes from units of mass. It is only an attractive force as far as we have ever seen.

Electromagnetic forces come from units of electric charge. They are different if the charges are stationary, moving, or accelerating. They may attract other charges, repelthem, or move them in circles (magnetic fields).

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Q: How are gravity and electromagnetic forces different?
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Give three dfferences between gravity and electronmagnetic forces?

Gravity and electromagnetic forces differ in that gravitational force is the result of mass interaction and electromagnetic forces are the result of charge interaction.

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No, forces such as gravity and electromagnetic do not touch objects directly they are known as non-contact forces.

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There are four fundamental or basic forces, including the strong force, the weak force, the electromagnetic force, and gravity.

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They are two of the fundamental forces of the universe, along with the strong and weak nuclear forces.

What are the for forces?

The four forces are Gravity, strong, weak, and electromagnetic. Gravity- Forces between all masses in the universe Strong- Brings neutrons and protons together in an atom Weak- A neutron changes into a proton and an electron into antineutrino. Electromagnetic- Act between electrically charged particles

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