

How are humans like primates?

Updated: 11/13/2022
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12y ago

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the skeletal structure is almost identical a ape such as a gorila. and the dna is 98 to 99%the same to apes. humans are not like primates they are primates.

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Q: How are humans like primates?
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They aren't all non-human because humans are primates. Other primates include monkeys and chimpanzees and orangutans and gorillas, which are non-humans because they're not human.

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Yes, humans are primates. But, one of the differences is, humans don't have hands for feet. The reason humans are primates is, we can both walk on 2 legs, we both have hands, but, we are omnivores and others are herbivores. They live in parts of a jungle though. We also live in different environments, other primates live in jungles.

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The family Hominidae includes humans and the great apes. The great apes are the gorillas, chimpanzee, bonobo, and orangutan. A number of extinct species also belong to Hominidae.

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A chicken is a bird. Primates are animals like monkeys and chimps and humans.

Are people primates?

You bet! Absolutely. Humans (Homo sapiens) are primates, too.