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Q: How are humity and relative humity different?
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How does temperature affect humity?

Weather and humity is made up of diffrent things

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well you see the bistle and bustle is all relative to the humity of the sun at .000897 light years away from the smallest star in the milkyway re

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it can because the heat

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the heat and humity

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What is relative health?

Health can be a relative concept. It can be relative to other people or groups, it can be relative to different time frames (yesterday, today, tomorrow) and relative to different communities.

Can lightning last an hour?

yes or no it is amaybe question only can if the humity ids very bad

Is all music relative?

All music is relative because different people have different tastes of music and preferences.

How fast do liquids evaporate?

It depends on how much liquid, also the temperature, humity, and wind speed (also amount)

Which is not a characteristic of energy?

the answer is humidity

The relative pay for different jobs within a company called?

The relative pay for different jobs within a company is called the wage structure.

Explain the role and relative importance of relationship building in different countries?

Relationship building is vital in all countries, but its importance may vary. In collectivist cultures like Japan, relationships are highly valued and can dictate business success. In individualistic cultures like the United States, efficiency and results may be more important, but still, building relationships is beneficial for long-term partnerships. Overall, understanding cultural norms and values is key to building successful relationships in different countries.