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Q: How are ideologies and debates are used?
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What are ideologies and debates around heritage and show how heritage can be used for nation building in the present?


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The ideologies and debates around the heritage in South Africa makes South Africans one of the most unique people in the world.

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How did religion and philosophy affect the growing American reform movement?

The influence of religion and philosophy on the American reform movement has to do with conflicts of ideologies. It is very difficult to argue political ideologies against ethical or theological perspectives. Usually, these debates make little to no progress.

Why do you have debates?

debates are used to solve an issue or for two parties present their arguments and chose the best one.

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Both ideologies were used to support totalitarian regimes.

Was publication of Mein Kampf banned in US?

No, publication of "Mein Kampf" was not banned in the US. However, there have been controversies and debates around the distribution and availability of the book due to its promotion of anti-Semitic and racist ideologies.

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