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Both jackals and wolves are wild dogs unlike their domestic cousins, such as the Husky and the Collie. It all depends on how a person defines the word "dog." The Dachshund and the Chihuahua, for example, are domestic dogs that can and do live in people's houses every day. Wild dogs, such as jackals and wolves do better living in the wild where they can roam around and enjoy nature.

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Q: How are jackals different from dogs and wolves?
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Foxes, wolves, and coyotes, jackals.

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Yes, they breed dogs with wolves so it's a possibility

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Dogs belong to family Canidae, which also includes wolves, foxes, coyotes and jackals.

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There are hyenas and wolverines.

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All dog-like species (including dogs, wolves, and jackals) belong to the genus Canis (Latin 'dog').

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