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because of their stingers can cause shock or even death

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Q: How are jellyfish protected from enemies?
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Do jellyfish have electricity in attacking their enemies?

yes they do

What are lion's mane jellyfish's enemies?

Sea Turtles

How jellyfish protect from predators?

i think they just sting their enemies

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Are jellyfish protected by law?

Jellyfish will get prosecuted if they commit a crime, just like everyone else. Why should they get special privileges?!

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by Mudbrick walls

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Mudbrick Wall

Is it illegal to own a jellyfish in Scotland?

Certain types are protected by aquatic laws.

Who are the enemies of jellyfish?

Jellyfish enemies are sea stars and sea turtles. They are favorite meals to them.Other species of jellyfish are among the most common and important jellyfish predators, some of which specialize in jellies. Other predators include tuna, shark, swordfish, sea turtles, and at least one species of Pacific salmon. Sea birds sometimes pick symbiotic crustaceans from the jellyfish bells near the sea's surface, inevitably feeding also on the jellyfish hosts of these amphipods or young crabs and shrimp.

What are some ememies of bluebottle jellyfish?

The enemies of a bluebottle jellyfish is a whale, shark,certain big fish, swordfish. To search more about this question google what are some enemies of bluebottle jellyfish.One of my college majors was marine life study.So i was interested to hear this question.

What is an example of a moon jellyfish's symbiosis?

Commensalism. Moon jellyfish sometimes have little fish swimming under them, the fish being protected from predators. The jellyfish isn't harmed, nor benefitted, when the fish are under it, showing commensalism.