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Q: How are joints formed?
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What are the kind of joints of skull bone?

Fixed joints are formed by the skull bones.

What are the two joints in the body that can be abducted and adducted?

the joints which allow abduction of the shoulder are the glenohumeral joint which is formed between the humerus and the glenoid fossa, the sternoclavicular joint which is formed between the upper portion of the sternum and the clavicle and also the acromioclavicular joint which is formed between the acromion process and the clavicle all of these joints work together with the muscles which produce shoulder abduction to create this movement.

How is form a stalactites?

Do you mean "How are stalactites formed?" ? They are deposits of calcite precipitated from solution in water dripping from joints in cave roofs.

When you crack your fingers do pieces of bone fall off?

No. Your knuckles crack because of gas bubbles formed in the joints under pressure.

Why does rheumatic fever affect only heart throat and joints?

Rheumatic fever does not affect throat. It does affect heart and joint. This happens probably because the antibodies formed against the beta haemolytic streptococci also attack the heart valves and the joints. Probably they have similarity with the antigen of bacteria.

Caves are formed by erosion from?

Most caves are in limestone, and formed by carbonic acid - rain-water acidified by dissolved carbon-dioxide from the atmosphere - dissolving the rock as it sinks through the joints and other fractures in the rock mass.

Which has greater mobility hip joints shoulder joints elbow joints knee joints or wrist joints?

knee joints because they help you walk

What are the groups of joints found in the body?

the different groups of joints in the body are saddle joints gliding joints hinge joints and ball and socket joints .

Why is the limestone cave sometimes called the soultion cave?

Limestone caves are sometimes called solution caves because they are formed through a process called solution weathering. This occurs when water containing carbon dioxide dissolves the limestone rock, creating cave systems over time. The dissolved limestone is carried away in the form of a solution, hence the term "solution cave."

What is the type of joint formed by the phalanges?

a shalingwe and Johnson joint. AFRICANS

What are that two kinds of joints in the body?

There are two general types of joints, movable and immovable. Under the movable category there are four types of joints: Hinge joints: in knees and elbows Pivot joints: in neck Gliding joints: in wrists and ankles Ball-and-socket joints: in shoulders and hips

Are bony joints the most common types of joints?

There are knees and elbows, they are the major joints.