

How are land breeze caused?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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i think the answer to this question is just that during the day, when the temperature is hot (sun) the heat emission that comes directly from the sun makes the land gets hot.

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Q: How are land breeze caused?
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What is a land breeze caused by?

I think the obvious answer is, the wind .

What is a flow of air from the sea to the land?

It is an on-shore breeze.

Cool breeze at night caused by differences in heating and cooling rates of land and water?

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Land and sea breeze are caused by Convectional Current.

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a sea breeze is caused by the sea winds and occurs at the night, while land breezes are during the day and are from land:) lol.

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A sea breeze blows from the sea to the land. Sea breezes are caused by unequal heating and cooling of adjacent sea and land surfaces.

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A sea breeze. A land breeze blows from land to sea.

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A mountain breeze blows cool from land to water.

In general which is caused of a sea breeze?

The usual cause of sea breeze is the difference in specific heat capacity between land and water Land heats and cools more quickly than water.

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Land breeze is in the air sea breeze is in the water

Cool breezes at night caused by differences in heating and cooling rates of land and water?

'land breeze's' are cool breezes at night caused by differences in heating and cooling rates of land and water