

How are land snail and water snails the same?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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they are both snails

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Q: How are land snail and water snails the same?
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Are land snails the same as ocean snails?

no land snails haft to live on land such as dirt and grass.but an ocean snail needs to live water to live.

Are snails and mollusk the same thing?

yes, a snail is a mollusk

Do snails have eyes?

Snails do have eyes, but not every snail has their eyes on the same part of their bodies. For example a Land Snail has their eyes on the tip of their tentacles. A Land Snail also move their tentacles up and down and from side to side. This helps them get the best view. Love, Sierra THANK YOU!

Are garden snails and pond snails the same?

While both types of snails are mollusks, gastropods, to be more specific, the land snails have developed lungs to be able to breathe on land. Aquatic snails have gills, special organs that remove oxygen from the water. For this reason, land snails will drown if left in a bucket of water that they cannot escape from. Aquatic snails do not have the thick slime that land snails have and will quickly dry out,( if they do not suffocate first) when left out of the water.

Is water snail and snail the same?


Can betta fish eat snails?

I have a male red Beta and a snail in the same bowl. I've never seen even him try to get at the snail.

Do paua have eyes?

Yes, the are much the same as Snails, Paua is actually a species of sea snail.

What color skin does a girl snail have?

The colours of snail shells have nothing to do with their sex because snails are hermaphrodites, being both male and female and producing sperm and eggs at the same time. To fertilize their eggs most snails need to exchange sperm with another snail.

How many feet do snails have?

a snail only has one foot i am serious i saw the same thing from someone else A SNAIL ONLY HAS ONE FOOT!

Is a snails producers consumers?

a consumer. producers are only plants. but if you said a sea snail.... it would be the same

Can the tank be cleaned with snail eggs in it?

For a water snail You will need to do a weekly 20% water change or your snail will die of ammonia poisoning. Occasionally (once every month or so) vacuum the bottom to clean up the waste that the snail produces. Also feed it lettuce or apples or carrots (washed well in warm water) and remove the uneaten food in 24 hours. For a land snail no you will not if you have a dirt bottom. Also feed it the same veggies and remove the uneaten food after 48 hours. Feed both types of snails cuttle bone or eggshells for calcium to develop a healthy shell. Good luck!

What does an apple snail need to stay alive?

apple snails are like the same as a mystery snail and mystery snails need calcium drops added to the tank and algae and veggies of live food and a heater set at the tropical zone range