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Q: How are living things organized in the tree of life?
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Related questions

Why is a maple tree a organism?

An organism is really just a unit of life. In order for something to be considered alive, it must meet the 7 characteristics of life.These are:1. Living things are composed of cells. (Maple tree, check)2. Living things have different levels of organization. (Maple tree, check)3. Living things use energy. (Maple tree: photosynthesis)4. Living things respond to their environment. (Maple tree, check)5. Living things grow. (Maple tree, check)6. Living things reproduce. (Maple tree: seeds)7. Living things adapt to their environment. (Maple tree, check)

What is meant by the term Common descent?

a single "tree of life" links all living things.

Is a tree stump living?

No a tree stump is not living. It is a once living plant and the end of the life cycle of a tree.

Where was Gustav living when he painted the tree of life?

Gustav Klimt was living in Austria when he painted the tree of life

is a tree living?

yes trees are living

What is cegrra?

CEGRRA is the 6 characteristics of life. Most people say there are 7 characteristics of life. The 7th is that all living things move, but that is not true. A tree is living but it doesn't move. Anyways.....CEGRRA means:Cells are in every living thingEnergy is needed for every living thingGrow is what all living things doRespond to the environmentReproduce is what all living things do to keep from extinctionAdapt to the environment

Why life is not spread evenly on your planet?

Organisms aren't equally distributed throughout the biosphere because more life is found around other things that are living. For example, you'd find more bugs on a tree than in the sand. This is because in general, living things need other living things to survive. The bugs will eat the tree and things living on the tree.

What does a tree of life imply about all species living and extinct?

The tree of life is believed to bring new life to extinct species. It is also to give a new life to the living.

Is an acorn abiotic?


Why did the legendary Pokemon Xerneas turn into a tree?

it turned into a tree because when it will turn into tree, he can give life again to the forest ,which Yveltal destroyed and it sleeps for 1000 years

What living things can you find in a eucalyptus tree?

Koala Bears.

Relationship between non living things and living things?

A relationship between living things and non living things is very important to the environment. Usually, a living thing eats anonliving thing. Like a caterpillar eats a leaf that fell off a tree. So, sometimes they rely on them for food. Other times, they rely on them for a home or protection. For a home example, a dog chases a squirrel, and the squirrel goes up a usually dead tree for protection. The dog can't climb a tree. It's similar to the forest life. An ant sometimes uses a dead tree for a home. Most of the time, they relate with aphids to share the home. This is an example of a relationship between a living and nonliving thing.