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Q: How are lunar eclipse alike to solar eclipsse?
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Why do solar or lunar eclipses always occur during a full or new mon?

The earth is bigger than moon and earth cast bigger shadow. So lunar eclipse is last longer than solar eclipsse.

How are eclipse and solar eclipse alike?

They are alike because they both cast shadows. A lunar eclipse is when the moon is blocked by the sun while a solar eclipse is when the sun is blocked by the moon.

How solar eclipse and lunar eclipse alike?

they are alike because the moon,sun, and earth line up in a straight line.

How are solar eclipses alike from lunar eclipses?

All eclipses are shadows. A solar eclipse is the Moon's shadow on the Earth. A lunar eclipse is the Earth's shadow on the Moon.

How is solar and lunar eclipse alike?

they are alike because the sun,moon, and earth all line up in a straight line

How many years apart are the lunar and the solar eclipse?

4.1 Solar eclipse; 4.2 Lunar eclipse

Is a lunar or solar eclipse more common?

lunar eclipse.

Did Hipparchus predict a lunar eclipse or a solar eclipse?

A solar eclipse.

Why is there a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse?

There is a solar eclipse when the moon blocks the sun from the Earth. A lunar eclipse is when the earth block the sun from the moon.

Are you more likely to see a solar eclipse or a lunar eclipse?


What are the advantages of lunar eclipse?

what are advantages and disadvantage of solar an lunar eclipse

Is eclipse different from solar eclipse?

eclipse is of two kinds- solar eclipse and lunar eclipse