

How are microscopes and telescope different?

Updated: 9/10/2021
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6y ago

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Microscopes have 2 convex lens and telescopes too while microscopes are used to look at cells and microscopic organisms.

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Emmanuel Ward

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2y ago
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14y ago

Microscope is used to view a very small objects which is cannot be seen by naked eye while Telescope is used to observe remote objects that is too far to see by naked eye.

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What are the different types of microscopes and their purposes?

There are reflective microscopes (similar in design to a telescope), and transmission microscopes where the objective is on the other sample and used for looking at slides. There are phase-contrast microscope, electron microscopes and scanning tunneling microscope.

What characteristics do different microscope have?

There are many microscopes. The difference of microscopes is that many of them use different things to view. Some use a beam of light, and some are similar to a telescope. Some can even see atoms.

How do light microscopes differ from refracting telescope?

They don't. They are the same.

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How are a microscope and telescope alike how are they different?

Microscopes and telescopes that work with visible light are both devices to collect and magnify light. Id you talk about refracting telescopes, which are the most like microscopes because they use lenses in a tube, you could thing of a microscope as looking in one end and telescope as looing in the other end to deal respectively with the very small and the vary far away.

How are a microscope and a telescope different?

Both microscopes and telescopes use lenses to magnify objects. But, telescopes are large and collect light from stars and planets to magnify them, while microscopes are small, can sit on a desktop, get light from the room or a small builtin light and are used to magnify tiny objects.

Are celestron telescopes reflecting telescopes?

They have many other different types of telescopes than just reflecting!!!! I have a refracting telescope myself. They also have other things like binoculars and microscopes

Did Anton van leeuwenhoek invented telescope?

No he did not invent a telescope! he was not the first one to invent a"microscope" but he made really advanced microscopes,the best his century had ever seen.

How are a microscope and telescope alike and different?

Both microscopes and telescopes use lenses to magnify objects. But, telescopes are large and collect light from stars and planets to magnify them, while microscopes are small, can sit on a desktop, get light from the room or a small builtin light and are used to magnify tiny objects.

What are some vision enhancing technologies?

spectecles microscopes magnifying glass telescope weapon sights optic fibers

What are microscopes made of?

It was actually made from a telescope, while was pointed a lighted surface instead of the sky. That's the real answer.

What is the different between a telescope and a microscope?

A telescope is used to enable people to see very distant things (typically these distant things are astronomical in nature, although telescopes are sometimes used to view things on Earth as well) and microscopes are used to enable people to see very small things, such as bacteria.