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For the same reason that a rock is visible even though the rock is not luminous.

Some source of light, such as a flashlight, illuminates the rock, and some of the

light from the flashlight bounces off of the rock in just the right direction to enter

your eye.

Similarly, in our neighborhood, some source of light, such as a flashlight, illuminates

the moon and the planets, and some of the light from the flashlight bounces off

of the moon and planets in just the right direction to enter our eyes.

The Sun is that source of light.

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The reason that planets are visible in the sky is because they reflect sunlight off their surface. Some planets - Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn - reflect enough light that they become visible to the naked eye. Other planets (including Uranus and Neptune, as well as all dwarf planets) are too dim to be seen with the naked eye from Earth, and therefore require a telescope in order to be viewed.

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Q: How are moon and planets are visible even if they are not luminous?
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Why are there no planets on the moon?

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It's true that the moon and visible planets are always within a few degrees of the ecliptic. They are all on the same plane.

Are satellites luminous or non-luminous?

Non-luminous. Objects which produce light of their own or give out or emit their own light are called luminous objects. Objects which do not produce light of their own, on the other hand, are called non-luminous objects. Luminous objects are objects like stars, sun and other celestial bodies which give out their own light. Objects surrounding us are not such light emitting objects. Therefore, we are surrounded by non-luminous objects.

10 examples of non-luminous objects?

Earth, bricks, plastic, metals, moon, planets ,mirrors, paper,rubber,pencils

Is the planet Venus luminous?

Yes, though the sun would appear as only a very bright star from those distances, with the light levels on the surface being very low. The light received by Pluto would be around a thousand times less in terms of watts per square meter.

What is a non-liminous body?

A body which is not liminous, of course. Now, you just have to figure our what "liminous" is. I suggest the OED, Earth's nearest equivalent to the Maximegalon Dictionary, as it's certainly not a common word (except as a misspelling for "luminous").

Why moon and the planets consider as non luminous?

Because they don't emit their own light. They simply reflect the light from the sun.

When the sun is out why is the moon an the stars stilll out?

Stars and Moon are always there; only that sometimes, in the daytime, they are outshone by the Sun. However, the Moon, and some of the brighter planets (especially Venus), are visible even at noon (if you know exactly where to look).

If you stand on the moon can you see the other planets?

No Its Just Like When Your Standing On Earth And You Cant See The Planets. The moon is about in the same place as the earth, astronomically speaking. You can see the planets from the moon that are visible from earth. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are all visible. If you have good eyes and know where to look, Uranus is also a dim dot.

Is the moon non-luminous?

You see it in the same way that you see most things most of the time. Your house is not luminous but you see them, you friends are not luminous but you can see them. You see them by reflection of sunlight.

What is a glowing heavenly body?

Moon , stars , planets , anything we can see that emits light .

If the sun is luminous what are the earth and moon?

Earth and Moon are Non-Luminous, and a bit reflective. Moon light is sun light that has bounced back from the moon.