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Fir, spruce, hemlock, and other coniferous trees all have thick, waxy needles that prevent water from evaporating

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Q: How are needles an advantage to trees in the boreal forest?
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What type of forest is a boreal forest?

a boreal forest is also called a taiga. It usually has coniferous trees, trees that have needles, and deciduous trees, trees that lose their leaves in the winter. It usually has very cold winters and mild to cool summers. you can also look at http:/ Hope that helped some.

Is there only one tree in the boreal forest?

No, there is not only one tree in the Boreal Forest, there are many trees in this forest.

Population in the boreal forest?

The population in the boreal forest varies depending on location and species. It is home to numerous animals including bears, moose, wolves, and birds. Human populations tend to be small and concentrated near the forest's edges.

What type of trees are found in boreal forest?

coniferous tree

What type of trees are in the boreal forest?

it starts with a (fill in the blanks) D__R__C__

In which type of climate are coniferous forest found?

Coniferous trees or mainly found in the Boreal Forest Biomes.

How many are Trees cut down from the boreal forest yaerly?

are lot of tree in austria

How do plants in boreal forest survive?

Trees bark thickens to protect them from cold of winter

What are the soil characteristics in the boreal forest?

The boreal forest soil is very acidic, because the trees aren't deciduous, so they have no annual leaf fall that decomposes and enriches the soil. Because of that, the undergrowth is not very well developed in some boreal forests.

Which land biome is characterized by trees have needle shaped leaves and produce seeds in cones?

coniferous forest

What type of trees are found in a boreal forest?

Common trees found in a boreal forest include conifers such as spruce, pine, fir, and larch. These trees are well adapted to the cold climate and short growing season of the boreal forest. Deciduous trees like birch and aspen may also be present in some areas.

Vegetation of Canada?

Tundra, West Coast Forest, Cordilleran Vegetation, Boreal and Taiga Forest, Grassland, Mixed Forest, Deciduous Forest. I'm pretty sure those are the ones.