

How are nitric oxides formed?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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It is produced as an intermediate during the manufacturing of nitric acid from ammonia. It is also a product of cellular metabolism.

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Q: How are nitric oxides formed?
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What is formed when nitrogen combines with oxygen when burning fossil fuels?

Various nitric oxides are formed.

What is the acid formed by nitrogen oxides mixes?

Usually a mixture of nitrous and nitric acid.

Are nitric oxides whip its and medical nitric oxides the same?

It's NITROUS oxide not NITRIC and no they're not

What are the two compounds that are formed when the nitrogen combines with oxygen?

Nitric and nitrous oxides. (N0 and N2O)

What are the two compounds that are formed when nitrogen combines with oxygen?

Nitric and nitrous oxides. (N0 and N2O)

What substance is mixed with rain to make acid rain?

Acid rain is formed when moisture in the atmosphere combines with nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides to make nitric acid and sulfuric acid respectively.

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Acid rains contain sulfuric and nitric acids formed from oxides released by autovehicles, fuels burning, some industrial processes.

Why is nitric acid used for dissolution of brass?

Nitric acid is both an acid and an oxidizer. Acids wont eat brass, but it will eat the oxides formed on its surface, and since nitric acid will oxidize the brass, it will also dissolve it until one reactant or the other is used up.

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Sulfuric and nitric acids.

Nitric acid is a component of acid rain that forms when gaseous nitrogen dioxide pollutant reacts with gaseous oxygen and liquid water to form aqueous nitric acid?

water reacts with oxides of nitrogen to form nitric acid(HNO3) which causes acid rain. Oxides of nitrogen are formed by vehicle exhausts, and other sources of air pollutants, and when atmospheric nitrogen combines with oxygen during lightening. These oxides combine with rain drops and make rain acidic.

What type of oxides are formed by chemicals?

All the types of oxides !

What makes rainwater acidic artificially?

Nitrogen oxides and sulfur oxides released into the atmosphere form sulfuric and nitric acid when they come in contact with moisture,