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Nutrients are constantly being passed between organisms and the environment. This happens when decomposers break down the dead organisms putting it back in the soil.

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Dell Herzog

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2y ago
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9y ago

Nutrients are constantly being passed between organisms and the environment. This happens when decomposers break down the dead organisms putting it back in the soil.

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Q: How are nutrients passed between the environment and organisms?
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Describe how nutrients are passed between organisms and the environment?

Nutrients are passed between organisms and the environment through various processes such as consumption, decomposition, and nutrient cycling. Organisms obtain nutrients by consuming food or other organisms, and then release nutrients back into the environment through waste products and decay. Nutrient cycling involves the movement of nutrients through living organisms and their environment, ensuring that the ecosystem remains balanced and functional.

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Some chemicals that flow in cycles between the nonliving environment and living things include carbon, nitrogen, and water. These cycles help sustain life on Earth by ensuring that essential elements are continuously recycled and available for use by organisms. Examples of these cycles include the carbon cycle, nitrogen cycle, and water cycle.

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Through the umbilical cord and the placenta.

Are nutrients passed when a consumer eats a producer?

Yes. Nutrients are passed when any organism eats another organism.

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Unity and diversity: life exhibits both common features and unique characteristics. Evolution: organisms change over time in response to their environment. Continuity and change: life cycles involve growth, reproduction, and development. Structure and function: organisms have specialized structures that perform specific functions. Information flow: genetic information is passed down and utilized for survival. Energy and matter: organisms require energy and nutrients to sustain life processes. Systems interactions: organisms interact with each other and their environment in complex ways.

Is all the energy from plants passed on to the animal that eats it?

not specifically energy but nutrients and minerals are passed on. take humans for instance, were animals and we get nutrients from vegies

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How is energy passed in food chains and food webs?

it is passed by first, the energy from the sun and passed into plants which provide nutrients.

Are organisms efficient at turning their food into body material?

10% is used and or passed onto each level in a food chain whereas the other 90% is lost to the environment or dissipated as heat.

How do the nutrients of the frog get passed around its body?

The same way humans pass nutrients, by way of the bloodstream.